Aloha Friday in Talk Story

  • Dec. 2, 2016, 4:44 p.m.
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Well it is obvious that I don’t write in my journal here at Prosebox very often… not sure of the reason…

But… things are well with me…

I returned home from lunch in town on Wednesday… to find ten yards of wood chips in my driveway…
I had ordered them two months ago from a friend… with the understanding that when he came up with them… he could deliver them at his convenience… and inasmuch as they were free… well…
So… I changed into work clothes… got out my wheel-barrow and shovel… and went to work…
I needed to take them behind my house… so in addition to loading the wheel-barrow… I then had to move them into the back yard…
After the second hour… a neighbor offered to help me… and with some much needed relief… I immediately said yes… besides… working with someone is sure a lot more fun than working by myself…
We moved six yards or so… then quit for the day…
Yesterday I worked by myself… and finished up just as it was getting dark…

I use the wood chips in my landscaping… much nicer than bare dirt… and when I get them spread out… my back yard should look really nice…

Thanks for drifting by… and for your notes to me…

Me ke aloha…

dream seeker December 02, 2016

I bet it is beautiful! You obviously have sweet neighbors and friends. That shows you are a kind person, too. :)

Maui Jim dream seeker ⋅ December 02, 2016

Thank you for your kind words to me... (smiles)

TruNorth December 02, 2016

That is a lot of wood chips! They do make a garden look nicer and keep down the weeds.

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ December 02, 2016

Yes... lots of wood chips... big back yard too...! (smiles)

middle age pearl December 03, 2016

Oh that is wonderful that you got that load of wood chips. Not so good you had to move it all but it is done and yes, please post pictures.

crystal butterfly December 05, 2016

You will need to show us a picture of your backyard landscaping. If you have already I've missed it.

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