Festive Loch Ness Monster in Ponderings of the Universe

  • Nov. 18, 2016, 7:16 p.m.
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I have done so much adulting today!

I had a half day at work which ended up being kind of a shit show (we scheduled to many damn surgeries, my boss had a bit of a temper tantrum, we were short staffed…). Too much drama! I was staying late to help do technician stuff as we were short on techs today, but the doctors I was helping/teching for told me to escape while I could, so I did.

Aaron and I had a delicious lunch/bunch here. I had some wonderful eggs Benedict and their press (which is cold press coffee, cinnamon syrup, and house made Irish cream. It’s delicious).

We went to Target as I had hoped to buy my mom the newest Jannet Evannovich Stephanie Plum book, but they didn’t have it. Ah, well. Bought some dental floss, pads, and stuff for dinner, at least.

After coming home, I scheduled my next CT scan and appointment with my oncologist for January. Then tried to make an appointment with my primary care provider for my yearly wellness exam. She may or may not be able to fit me into her schedule on the day requested, I’ll find out Monday. After that, I got my prescription for my birth control renewed through Virtuwell. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It was easy, efficient, and my insurance will likely cover the e-visit. I essentially just had to fill out a survey. We’ll see for sure if the rx went to my pharmacy, but if it did, it was a painless process that I would definitely do again. Oh, and also, since it’s pay day, put some money into savings, some towards bills, etc.

Then, as a reward for my adulting, and because it’s payday, I bought myself some presents (and did the tiniest bit of Christmas shopping). One of the things I got is this:

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That’s right. It’s a Christmas-themed tea towel featuring the Loch Ness Monster. I don’t even use tea towels! WTF is wrong with me?! Ah, well. I think it’s adorable. I’ll figure out something for it. Maybe I can frame it somehow and use it as a silly Christmas decoration? Might have somewhat negated some of all the adulting I did today :P

And it’s snowing here. Not ready for winter yet! I don’t expect it to stick around quite yet, but winter is definitely on it’s way.

Getting my bangs trimmed tomorrow (or, as my autocorrect told Genevieve, I’ll be getting a “bang trim trim.” Makes giggle every time). Then a housewarming thing at Aaron’s dad’s new house (bleh). Then hanging out with Kat and Genevieve, though not entirely sure what we’re doing yet, possible going to an interesting sounding feminist fairy tale retelling play/burlesque show…

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