Here I am again! in In the Kingdom of Suzu

  • Oct. 29, 2016, 10:11 a.m.
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Since I last wrote, it has gotten colder here, I think fall is finally here! We had frost a couple of nights ago and I think our garden is finally done. It had gotten cooler and we picked off the tomatoes but then it got warm and more tomatoes popped up—we have quite a few bags of tomatoes that are ripening but I think this is it, the garden is finished.

A couple of weekends ago, we took an overnight to new hope. It was a beautiful weekend but too short. We met some friends there and just walked around looking in the shops. Stopped in at a book store and got some books. It is an independent book store and so neat. We also stopped at an oil and vinegar shop and picked up some small bottles of different vinegars to try. The last time we were in new hope, we were disappointed because a lot of the cool shops were gone but it seems to be coming back with different and unique shops again.

Today I am roasting chickens and getting ready to go on the “bone broth diet”. I had tried bone broth when I was first diagnosed with BC and having all the knee pain and liked it but didn’t keep up with making the broth as it takes time. Thought about trying the broth again and then I got an advertisement from prevention magazine about a book called, “the bone broth diet”, did some research into the program and decided to try it. My daughter is going to do it with me as well. Basically, it is clean eating, protein and Vegas and two days of mini fasting, just drinking the bone broth. It is for three weeks so we will see how it goes.

I was supposed to have a fat grafting the beginning of December but have had to cancel. My “good” leg has decided to give me trouble. The left knee has been hurting for a while and this Monday it got so bad that I can hardly walk. I went to the knee doctor and it looks like I will either have a knee scoping like he did on the right knee or possibly a knee replacement! I still have cartilage in that knee, the right knee is bone on bone and I was thinking of having a knee replacement on that one in the spring. Looks like the left one has decided it felt left out and needs attention. The dr. Gave me a shot of cortisone which helped with the swelling and put me on a course of prednisone it I am still having difficulty walking. I go back to the dr Wednesday and that is when he will look at the MRI and see which course of action to take. Surgery is scheduled for dec 14 and I will be out either 3 weeks or up to 12 depending on what surgery is needed. Work was pretty ok I guess cuz they can see me hobbling around.

Speaking of work, a new court girl starts on Monday. I am not training her and at first I was a bit bummed about that but they knew I was going to be out for a week so decided on another girl to train her. Turns out that was a good decision since I am going to be out a lot longer now.

Another girl will be leaving the end of the year but they are going to move a part timer up to full time to replace what the retiring girl does and slowly train her to go to court in emergency situations as the retiring girl, altho a court girl, doesn’t go to court anymore unless absolutely necessary, she does more of the office work so that the court girls don’t have as much office work to do.

This has turned into quite the novel it seems, that’s what I get for not being more current in writing.

I have a couple more things to write about but I think I will leave them for another day.

Happy Saturday all!

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