Emily in Talk Story

  • Oct. 6, 2016, 9:54 p.m.
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  • Public


Today is the 6th day… of the 10th month… of 2016 or
6 10 2016…

The numbers are the same going forward… as they are in reverse…

It is also the 35th anniversary of the birth of my daughter…

The grief I feel at her passing remains strong… in my thoughts today more than usual…

The pain is not as severe as in past years… and yet…


🌻StillJustMe🌸 October 06, 2016

I'm sorry your ❤ hurts.

Lady of the Bann October 07, 2016


Emerald October 07, 2016

Sorry for your terrible loss!

Deleted user October 07, 2016

I'm sorry. (((HUGS)))

Roseoftexas October 07, 2016

My heart hurts for you......I'm so sorry...hugs

middle age pearl October 07, 2016


aunty EM October 07, 2016

Sharing your pain

crystal butterfly October 07, 2016

Hugs to you.

TruNorth October 12, 2016


Deleted user October 12, 2016

Thinking of you tonight Jim. Emily was a beautiful and intelligent young woman and had so much life ahead of her. She died far too young and when I think of the experiences she missed out on, well it breaks my heart in two. I hope by the time you read this note that you are feeling a little bit better but if you aren't that's okay too. You are entitled to feel however you want to feel. You've suffered the worst loss imaginable, the loss of a child. (((Hugs my friend)))

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