I am SO the new Ophiuchus star-sign in Adventures in paradise

  • Sept. 19, 2016, 2:25 a.m.
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I came across this link today.
The Zodiac Signs Are All Changing According To NASA

I first heard about this ‘new’ star-sign that a lot of people are dismissing about two years ago, and I remember being enamoured with it.
I’ve never been a real follower of the starsigns all that much at all, but my landlord is majorly into them, and even bases whom lives in this house on if they’ll get along with each other according to the signs.

Previously (and probably, still) I was born a Sagittarius. But the personality traits of a Sagittarian never really added up with who I am. They never really connected all that well. The only major one that stood out to me in their traits really, was that they are spontaneous. Yep, I’ll give them that one.
There were a few others that I agreed with but I never really identified as a true one, if the stars are indeed, real.

Then, along comes this newbie, Ophiuchus, which has been created between the dates of November 30th and December 17th. My birthday is December 4th, so I am 5 days into Ophiuchus, just out of Scorpio. If I were a Saggi, that’d now make me 18 days away and I am closer to Scorpio, but I never really saw myself as a Scorpio either.

I couldn’t tell you the traits of each star sign off the top of my head or anything. I can’t even tell you their symbol, but it’s a bit of fun to look at, especially as I read through the traits of what Ophiuchii (how cool does that sound?) have… and I’ll go through them here.

1 - A righteous defiance of Authority, Ophiuchii do not stand for blind obedience to authority

Right off the bat this personality trait that I am blatantly more than aware of, especially off the bat of dickhead-new-manager at work LOL. This could not have come at a better time. I do not know how to control this. I back into a corner, I lash out, I become angry like you wouldn’t believe. I need a justified reason for someone to claim authority over me, and that sure as fuck didn’t occur yesterday LOL.

2 - A willingness to sacrifice, Ophiuchus’ will fight to the end for a just cause

Again, I’d have to agree. I do not like seeing people or animals being wronged. My 15-20 year strong views on marriage equality in this country probably come under this trait, I suppose. The way my dad treated me, although common sense, could come under this?
‘A willingness to sacrifice’ are pretty strong words though haha. Combine this with the top trait and it could come true if dickhead-manager tries to push me again. I’ll be ‘sacrificing’ my employment again in that case! Either by being fired for having a go at him, or quitting, although I’d hate to give him that satisfaction. I was put on the spot yesterday because NO management were in, so that somehow automatically meant that I was ‘in charge’, according to him. But fuck that, give me some respect first and then I’ll listen to you. I got NONE of that grrrr. I, as it says, REBELLED.
If anyone remembers, back in 2010, I left this same job because of a different fuckhead manager. Could it happen yet again?
It’d be a shame because I was really enjoying it again this time around, until this guy started last week. But people like that just really try to drag people down and I won’t stand for it. Especially as I get older. Too old for that shit!
I’m on my weekend now and the whole situation yesterday is still on my mind, and I don’t think that’s fair at all.

3 - Secretive
Well. Isn’t this one interesting? I say that because I’m currently writing about this in, what, a DIARY! :O
And yes, I’d say most of the people in my life don’t know that I have this, although it can easily be found if people wanted to look for it, but I honestly think people don’t really care all that much. I write about my deepest, darkest thoughts, my sex life, people who IRK me, happy times, photos, pretty much everything here. So I guess my life pretty much is a secret other than here. My Facebook certainly doesn’t represent me. I have that many ‘lists’ that people are under so that certain people can see certain things. Most stuff is hidden from my family. They don’t deserve to know what’s going on because they’d only judge me for it anyway.
God help me if they read my diary’s Fav Only entries.
As for keeping secrets, I think I’m pretty good at that (what other people tell me). Not many people confide them in me, so maybe they don’t trust me? It’s just never been a big deal.
I don’t think I have that many secrets. A lot of my mind comes out here but it’s not like I’m at home with information that I’m holding close to my chest that others need to know.

4 - Seekers of Knowledge

In a way. I do love learning, on my own accord. I hated learning from teachers (probably the authority/giving homework/assignments thing) but I’ll gladly pick up a book or watch a documentary when I feel like it or come across it, and I’ll generally become engrossed in it in no time at all because I find it fascinating.
I forget a lot also (from my dad’s side) so I can recognize that I’ve seen something before but still learn something if I re-watch it.
This trait is definitely true when it comes to travel. I’m always walking around somewhere random, seeing what’s around. International travel is only new to me (as recent as last year) but I was in such a buzz that I was actually there that it was hard to take all of it in.

So I think I have 4 ticks so far for the Ophiuchus star-sign.

5 - Holders of Hidden wisdom

Hidden wisdom? Does this mean I withhold what I know? Does this come down to the crap I blurt out in my diary as well? Am I a Horcrux? :O
I’m gonna have to think about this one.

6 - Trustworthy, capable of keeping confidences

Yeah, I’d like to think so. I find it heartening when someone tells me something personal to them, so why would I want to ruin that?

7 - A Great Passion For Justice

Probably comes back to Trait 2 here I’d say (fights for a just cause). It’s something for me to think about a bit more again I think.

8 - Natural Healers

Interesting… It seems kind of vague this one. Is it by knowing me that people feel better, or is it something that I can do physically?

9 - Empathetic

Oh yeah. Right there baby.

10 - Prone to Longevity

Does this mean I’m gonna live a long time?

11 - Strong in Constitution

Hmmmm. Political? I suppose I am, in a way. I don’t give a shit about most of them, as I think our government system is very corrupt, but I’ve always had a soft side for The Greens and parties who at least attempt to give a shit about their citizens.

12 - Prone to receive special treatment

Oooo, gimme gimme! :D

13 - Naturally Likable

I don’t see why not! I’m fucking awesome :P

14 - Wise, intelligent

Yeeeah, I dunno. Someone is named as smart/intelligent simply because they can recall things they’ve learned or come across in life, then there’s ‘street-smart’ people like the people in gangs or the homeless, and different ethnic groups/cultures who have learned to hunt and gather food etc. I think there’s many forms of intelligence and that it’s not just nerdy bookworms.
Wisdom I am not sure about, yet. I think I should preferably be quite old before I am claim a wisdom badge, because then I’ve lived out a lot more of my life and can truly separate the things in life that matter.

15 - Passionate Lover

I think a lot of star signs have this trait. I know I certainly can be, with the right guy. I’m very lustful most of the time, like most gay guys, but I know what I like and can respect what guys I get with like. I’m willing to take the time to teach and learn in the bedroom, but most of the time that doesn’t happen because it’s just quick get-off-sex. I think this one is way more true when I’m in relationships, although it probably crosses over.

16 - Sexual magnetism

I don’t think I’m bad-looking, and I am quite hung, so that probably has something to do with this. As for how the universe works and the Law-Of-Attraction type thing when it comes to this. I’m not sure. Most guys don’t let me know, and I can’t read minds. Some do though, which is brave of them.
This certainly doesn’t seem to work with most of the guys I find myself wanting to throw up again the wall though, dammit LOL.

17 - Vivid Dreamer, Interpreter of Dreams

I forget most of my dreams, although I did have a dream last week that I know I have had before, maybe once or twice. They can be VERY vivid. Like to the point where I wake up wondering if that had actually just happened to me. This particular dream is so full on and depressing and seems to play it’s way out the exact same way each time I’ve had it. It’s a bit more on the nightmare side of dreams though because it’s certainly not pleasant but fuck it is interesting. If I could actually remember every detail of it when I woke up, I actually think it would make a pretty interesting fictional novel. It basically revolves around the earth ending and massive flying machines and people trying to survive against the odds and I’m not really sure why my brain decides to reenact it every few years or so.
The sex dreams are especially vivid also. I’ve never had a ‘wet-dream’, but MAN I’ve had some vivid ones. I remember one only two weeks ago with my straight-crush, Jason, and I had to calm myself down for about 10 minutes after I woke up because I thought it had just happened. Then I recognize my surroundings and see that I am laying in bed and I come to my senses.
And because they’ve been so vivid, I think about what they could have meant or why I had them. There has to be a reason. That’s the interpreter bit.

And here’s the, also interesting, negative traits…
Negative Personality Traits of an Ophiuchus

Others are prone to be jealous of Ophiuchus, this is a result of the favor it seems members of this sign will receive and the natural way in which life seems to go their way.

Is that right? Well, I wouldn’t know that. There’s not much point being jealous of someone as it doesn’t help you any. I’d like to think I encourage people to live a happier life, if that’s at all possible. I don’t really know how to bring that across though, other than being me.
Life does go my way a lot, and I am thankful for that, but anyone who’s read me over the years knows that is not always the damn case haha. There any many things I wish were different, but I make do with what I’ve been given.

Hyper-Critical, again as a side effect of the wisdom and ease in which most Ophiuchus go through life, they can be hyper-critical of those who are confronted with less blessed existence and intelligence.

Ooooo, this is interesting. Very interesting. I have heard through the bitchy grapevine that is the gay scene that I can come across as a bit of as arsehole. I still remember when my twink housemates at the time, Ayden and Reece, both told me that guys thought I was an arsehole, and the other one said that he’d heard I was a cunt. LOL.
I remember being so upset at the time that (some) people thought that about me. But you know what? Those words were from people who have never taken the time to actually get to know me. I mean, I still don’t even know which guys said that, so they can’t be that interesting. Ha! There’s me being hyper-critical! It’s true!
When I first read this negative trait, my mind went straight to the homeless around my city, for some reason. I’ve lived here for 14 years and when I get asked on a daily basis for change and I’m only ever carrying a card on me, I simply tell them, “Sorry I don’t have any”, which is true, but even when I do have change, I think to myself, “They’ll only spend it on booze, or drugs.” And I think if I give it to them once, they’ll expect it time and again. I actually think a lot of homeless earn more than I do some weeks lol. And that’s me being critical. When it comes down to it, who the fuck cares what they spend it on? If they’re after their next hit, that’ll keep them happy for a little while.
I do treat charity workers like shit though, inside my head. They hit me up and interrupt trait #1 to start with LOL, they’re after my direct-debited money, they’re so not genuine and they play on people’s emotions to try and make them feel bad and I can not STAND it. I am generally very friendly and will just say ‘No thanks’ but I will either walk around them or barge through them a lot also when they are persistant. I had an interesting situation earlier this week where there were four of them lined up one after the other (planned, as there was no way around) and one of the guys goes, “Just the guy I was looking for!” and I didn’t even look at him and said, “That’s funny, cos I don’t know who you even are,” and kept walking. They are only doing their job, but I kind of treat them like dirt.
I ignore guys that I’m not into at all on Grindr. I just figure, why waste both of our time? I mean, really. That guy at the bar on Saturday who was hitting on me - I tried being polite but it didn’t work, so I was mean to him. But I was just being honest - “No, I don’t want to make out with you.” It was either that or be pressured into it, just like those bloody charity workers. ‘Less blessed existence and intelligence’ seems a bit harsh though when I read it in those words, but maybe it’s true. Maybe it’s just the way things are?

Now wait for it…

Likely to be separated from family ,Ophiuchus are often forced by their nature to wander and take risks, often leading to separation from their natural family.

Holy fucking shit - BINGO. DING DING DING DING DING DING. I am not close to my family at ALL. I couldn’t ring up any of my siblings for a chat, like, ever. That’s just not the way we work or have ever done things. Apparently I was close to my older siblings when I was a baby, but they are 10-12 years older than me, so that all stopped when they went off to study. I used to be close to my little brother, but really, they are all cheese and I am the chalk. The rainbow chalk lol.
Although, in my case, my family’s certainly helped themselves along when it comes to this one and my sexuality!

Your own worst enemy - heightened expectations -Ophiuchus know they are destined for greatness, they can feel it , this can lead to feelings of impatience or disconnection from others.

Another one I constantly think about and will as I get older.

So yeah, kinda interesting, right?

Last updated September 19, 2016

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