By The Numbers? in BookThree: Flight Log 2016
- Sept. 9, 2016, 11:49 a.m.
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I had a hearing this morning and several phone calls/e-mails to return. I am now done with that. What I have not done, yet, as of 11:00… is call the doctor for an eye appointment. But Cecilia says my eye looks awful and warned me that, long ago, one of her relatives lost an eye by not getting it checked out.
So… while I call the doctor and attempt to set up an appointment (Only Appointment Available on Monday. We’ll see if the eye is still bothering me then):
I’ve seen a lot of “well meaning liberals” in my lifetime fight for women’s rights, women’s equality, and respect for women. Topics I typically support (though I understand people who would criticize my perception of that). BUT IT ALWAYS PISSES ME OF when political partisanship trumps the broader messages. For Example… liberal speakers saying that it is anti-woman to criticize a political figure for their looks. And I would agree with that. If your best “shot” is Hillary looks like a man or Angela Merkel looks like Emperor Palpatine then you should be called out for being sexist, misogynistic, and devoid of anything rational to say. BUT… the same people who call out misogynists for criticizing Hillary Clinton’s appearance… are not at all coming to Meghan McCain’s defense. Despite the number of (now) liberal misogynists saying “Meghan McCain looks like Ms. Piggy!”
and we saw it earlier this week as well.
There are a lot of people that say “the word ‘bitch’ should be expelled from our description of women as it is far too often used to describe a woman simply stating her opinion when a man finds the opinion distasteful.” BUT THESE SAME PEOPLE are quick to call Ann Coulter, Laura Schlessinger, and Carly Fiorina a bitch.
I realize I am guilty of hypocrisy… and I realize humanity sucks in general… but I would so prefer that “Support for Women” wouldn’t end with the unspoken caveats. “Support for Women but only of my skin color”; “Support for Women but only of my sexual preference”; “Support for Women but only of my political party”; “Support for Women but only of my economic standing.”
And yes… this goes for more than just Support for Women. We should be like this whenever we support a broad social segment. Support for Black People shouldn’t end with “but only if they aren’t cops” or “but only if they aren’t rich” or “but only if they aren’t conservative.” Support for Fill In The Blank should be support for ALL Fill In The Blank not just the ones that are “most like you.”
I posted something similar on Facebook. And one of the “friends” on my page that is super quick to criticize a man for saying anything negative about a woman weighed in. Claiming that “people are human and make mistakes.” Except… the same defense is verboten when it is a Republican. She is a classic example of the “If I agree politically, I’ll give you 9 second chances. If I disagree politically, you’re dead to me after 1 mistake.”
What’s your last sent text say? 124.401(1)(f)
Do you get drunk every weekend? Not every weekend; but I’ve certainly been getting drunk on the weekends more frequently in this area
Have you ever slept in contacts? I used to wear contacts and I may have fallen asleep with one in my eye all of ONE time. I don’t wear contacts anymore because I tend to have pretty serious dry eye issues.
Have you seen the movie Thirteen? No, but I do love the idea of it. If I remember correctly, a therapist encouraged her patient to keep a journal and the Therapist and Patient decided to turn that journal into a movie.
Are you in a good mood? Fairly bland mood today all things considered. Up late last night doing search warrants for a drug case; digitally brought my wife to orgasm… woke up, “took care” of myself and just… kind of in an “existing” kind of place.
Are you excited about anything? Not really. I mean, I’d love to get good news from Wayne County… I should be excited that my niece turns 3 at the end of the month… but just… not really, right now
When is the last time you held hands with someone? Probably about a year. Sometimes when Wife and I go for a walk, I’ll grab her hand. She just… really isn’t into that kind of stuff much.
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? Not typically; but I’m a bit weird about it. If my girlfriend was morally against alcohol; I don’t think it would work. And if my girlfriend desperately needed alcohol to have a good time; I don’t think that would be healthy.
Has anyone told you a secret lately that you aren’t allowed to tell anyone?
Not lately, no
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? Not that I can remember; but I’m sure it happened when I was a child
What’s on your mind right now? The world and my place in it
Does anyone have feelings for you? I seriously hope so. At least my Wife. But it is genuinely difficult to tell and hard to say with confidence. It is one of the reasons why, though I admit it is a character failing on my part, I often wish I was still the guy I used to be so that it would be possible for women to develop crushes on me.
Anything you’re giving up on? A few things; like my longer hair
Do you care what people think about you? Sadly, I care more IF they think about me more than WHAT they think about me.
Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? I would assume so, if not… something huge has happened.
Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? Many, a lot of my life has been filled with wonderful, beautiful, strong women
Do you have a best friend to lean on? Not exactly. I try to lean on my wife but MBFITWW isn’t exactly someone that I would lament all of my problems to.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? Yeah. Jeans, Button Down shirt, scruffy hair and face, giant red eyeball
Where did you last sleep other than your house? Last time I slept somewhere other than my own house… was my parents’ house
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Honestly can’t remember
Do you call anybody by their last names? Yeah, a few of my old friends
Have you ever been called a bad influence? I don’t know, but I would assume so.
When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? All the time around here when people consistently chose the path of selfishness, cruelty, and the destruction of others
What did you last cry over? Typically I only cry for three reasons.... first: arguing with my dad; second: shit going down with my wife; third: any sad story involving a dog.
Where did you go last night? City Police Station for two hours; then home
Has someone put their arm around you in the past 5 days? No… well… unless you count hugs… I demand those from Wife
How many windows are open on your computer? 8 windows; Electronic File, Create Entry, Prosebox Dashboard, Facebook Game, Facebook Home Page, Cracked Home Page, BBC Home page, Employment Search
Where will you be 2 hours from now? Almost 100% certain that I’ll be sitting in this chair, staring at this computer
Where were you at 9am this morning? Sitting in a judge’s chambers, conducting a phone trial
What does your last text message in your inbox say? “okay. I may want to see if I can find homeopathic eyedrops or something” (from the Wife).
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? My fingers. I have a really bad nail biting habit
When was the last time you flew in an airplane? I think the last time I was in an airplane was the Vegas Wedding May 2012
Bought anything today? Not yet; but I’ll spend money on picking my car up… MIGHT send my last and final Law School Loan Repayment Check, and probably will pick up some soda and Jack Daniels.... they turn 150 this year!
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