Thankful Thursday in Thankful Thursday
- Sept. 1, 2016, 1:10 p.m.
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I am thankful for this body and all it does for me.
I am thankful for this life and all I am learning.
I am thankful for HubbyMan and the kids, even on the days I question why, lol.
I am thankful for Dashman and Kitty, they make my heart smile.
I am thankful for the beautiful river ravine here in the city.
I am thankful for the beauty of the city, who knew cities could be so awesome and beautiful in their own way.
I am thankful for my men and women folk, you all are the best.
I am thankful for perspective and change.
I am thankful for the changing seasons we have here in Canada, hello autumn.
I am thankful for the magnificently lush and green summer we’ve had here, sun with a hint of hot with enough rain to keep everything growing.
And as always I am thankful for you all here at PB, you rock!!!!
Happy Thursday!!!!
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