The Ever Present K Pop in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

  • Aug. 19, 2016, 4:13 p.m.
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Damn. It happened again. Woke up at 3 am for no reason. Honestly don’t know why. But hopefully, spending time in Des Moines this weekend will help. Maybe help relax me, de-stress me. A return to me, as it were. Then again… maybe not. Who knows?
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You know what I’d like to do today? I mean… besides getting some actual work done? Wait… speaking of… I filed a bunch of things yesterday and they still haven’t been approved or denied? How am I supposed to know if those are actually taken care of? Do I need to re-do them or can I check them off my list?
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Anyway… what I’d like to do today (besides actual work) is be creative. I’d love to do a creative entry. I don’t know if I’ll be able to of course… both because of time and available brain space but here’s hoping.
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In other news… I may be a masochist, lol. In some ways. I have this nasty trait where I will just go cruising around Prosebox looking at random articles. No intent to really start a new bookmark/friend but just… see what other perspectives, lifestyles, people are in the world. And always… I wind up finding someone who is either just starting or in the middle of some hot, sexy, passionate relationship and they dedicate their space to describing all the wonderful, sexy things they experience. While I am thrilled for that person and happy they are experiencing something so wonderful (and appreciate the erection their writing produces)… it certainly doesn’t make me feel better about my situation. Therein lies the masochist suspicion. Because… I don’t have to read those. I don’t have to know that the world contains women willing and able to experience the vast array of sexual delight present in the world. But in some ways… it makes me feel better. Knowing that the world at least contains women living their desires, enjoying their sexual vigor… knowing that, theoretically, at any given moment there is a celebration of sexual delight going on in the world. Maybe even the vague unlikeliest of theoretical possibilities that at some point in my life I might, just maybe, be involved with a woman like that. Of course, the other half of me feels bad that such a world seems largely barred to me and that, at least to my current understanding… the only way to experience that world would be cheat or be single (neither of which is likely to happen.) Not that I’d want it to… as much as Wife and I hate our current situation, it certainly is bringing us closer together emotionally. But I suppose I wouldn’t identify so much with Harvey Dent if I weren’t constantly feeling two opposing feelings at once.
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Same Bitching As Before:
When I am looking through case files; often the same names come up. “Ah,” I’ll remark to myself, “I know this person was arrested the day before on serious drug charges as well.” And that will cause me to have NO idea what is going on. Because… I take some cases, Boss takes some cases… allegedly, there is a “rational separation” between the cases. BUT… it isn’t as rational as it could be or should be. That isn’t true. The problem isn’t exactly the rationale behind the split… the problem is the communication issues between Boss and I made worse by her complete absence from this area! What compounds this for my little (tiny, teensy) brain is that in order to justify a full hour’s drive to talk to a woman that has routinely given me the wrong information out of senility and incompetence.... in order to justify it, I tend to hoard my questions for a week or two so I can ask her several things when I see her. The reason this freaks me out (and assures me that there are problems) is because a lot of things in the Law are on timers. And while it is true, nobody in this county gives a flying fuck about deadlines; I would still like to develop good habits as I “start” my career.
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Here’s a randomly shared video about guns. But I want to say something important that I think may be controversial but may not be… when it comes to politics in the United States today; emotion trumps facts. That can’t even really be argued against when you consider that both Trump and Clinton have the lowest approval ratings of any two main candidates EVER and both are said, by polls, to be less trusted than almost any other candidates EVER. But we are so rushed to vote “our heart” that we have found ourselves in an Emotion Over Facts environment. With THAT as the focus, as opposed to specific GUNS issues… I present this video:

And I did that little preamble because when it is EMOTIONS over FACTS, we run the risk of replacing “guns” in that video with anything. Fatty Foods. Should the government place a higher tax on regular soda than diet soda? “Yes, because obesity is a big problem in America.” Well… because of the types of sugar and chemicals used in Diet Soda, not to mention the psychology behind the word DIET, most dietitians say that diet soda has no significant impact on a person’s ability to lose weight. How about Climate Change? Oh yeah, we see that all the time ALREADY. Emotions over Facts. Something that seems abhorrent when used by people we disagree with; but perfectly acceptable when used by people who agree with us. This is a big reason why I try (not always successfully, but I certainly TRY) to approach political discussions with an open mind and a researcher’s eye. I want to understand other people’s positions… but just because someone believes that “we need to ban nuclear power because it hurts the environment” doesn’t mean it is an intelligent perspective. This country was built by people who had opinions, opinions SO STRONG that were willing to kill and die for those opinions. But here’s the dark, terrible side of American Oppression. You know how only RICH WHITE MEN with LAND were allowed to vote at first? It was an attempt to make sure only “the educated and informed” voted. Yeah, the system of oppression prevented other people from being informed and educated… and it IS a good thing that more and more citizens were given a voice. But… consider our world from the Founders’ perspective. We’re letting (allegedly, potentially) illiterate, uninformed, unemployed, uneducated individuals select government officials. Of course the Founders would say, “No wonder you wound up in this mess.” Then? Then introduce the Founders to the internet… to FOX News… to MSNBC. After they stop vomiting, they would likely BEG to be sent back to their time period. Because even the people who think they are informed and educated and “up” on the latest news… even those folks are often sitting in an echo chamber, gaining no new knowledge or perspectives, but certainly being stirred up into an emotional fervor. And that is where we are today. Where a man who should have lost the nomination MONTHS ago for being unqualified is now the Republican Candidate. Where a woman who should have been indicted (before you argue that, there are men and women in the military sitting in prison for lesser offenses of security breach) is now the most qualified candidate for President. In this land… we argue our hearts after removing our heads… passion is a virtue, but passion without restraint… passion without substance… is merely emotion without purpose.
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After that.... well… look at the time! I actually worked today. Sort of. Mostly. Figured out things for files and pending cases. Not… like… actual filing or work.
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Last updated August 19, 2016

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