Monday morning in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • Aug. 8, 2016, 12:39 p.m.
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Another Monday. It is cloudy and overcast and the temperature is around 73 degrees which is wonderful outside. I’ve been watching the hummingbirds as usual in the early mornings. They are such an amusing little creature. They have the bullies. But the others have a plan which is intriguing to watch. While the bully or the guard of said feeder is at its “post” to keep all others away, one of the hummers flies by as a decoy. While the “guard or bully” is distracted by this decoy, the other hummers make a bee line to the feeder holes and drink it up until the bully figures it out. LOL It is something that happens over and over again and never tire of watching them. At times, and it does happen, they all seem to make peace with each other and gather around the favorite feeder for the moment and all eat in peace and even taking turns without a sky battle. Other times all I see and hear and the sounds of two hummers in battle and wonder how on earth one of them don’t get hurt. I’ve seen them go at it as high as the tree branches and as low as the ground but never seen one that appears injured. That is amazing to me as serious as the battle look and sound.

I do have some pictures to post but still haven’t uploaded them to the site. I actually did upload them several days ago and got distracted while they were uploading and was away to long so it didn’t save any of them. My fault.

Saturday night I didn’t sleep well at all. I had to take twice as many of my RLS meds as normal and it still took me until after midnight to go to sleep. Then it was a restless sleep and I kept waking up during the night. Sometimes I had to use the bathroom to empty my bladder and sometimes I was just awake. Finally early Sunday morning I went to sleep and didn’t wake up until 7:30. My tummy wasn’t happy but not in an uproar. Just not happy. My “system” is no longer in its routine and it is making me very uncomfortable at times. I have never had these kind of issues and I’m not liking the way it makes me feel. I started buying lactose free milk, and last night I made something with whole milk to try and get things moving. It seemed to help and it didn’t give me stomach ache so that was a good thing.

What I made yesterday was homemade ice cream. I bought a small 2 qt ice cream maker the other day. Not really sure why, as I’m not a big ice cream fan, but thought it would be fun to have available for the grands. LOL-Owen came down after I’d used the maker and he didn’t want any ice creams. Go figure. lol I just bought the packaged mix and made chocolate yesterday. I should have only made a quart instead of two, but live and learn. J didn’t have any either but I had a scoop of it during BB. It was good but vanilla is really my favorite. If Dude brings the kids down today I’ll see if I can get the kids to eat it. Glad that bad idea wasn’t expensive.

I didn’t go to church yesterday for a couple of reasons, and one of them being I just didn’t feel good. The other one was because Dude had called me yesterday morning and they needed to borrow some money for a couple of weeks due to a missed withdrawal out of their account. He’d forgotten to subtract the auto pay on Dudette’s car out of their account and then they went school clothes shopping for the kids on Saturday. Oops.

I told him, yes, and that they only needed to repay me 1/2 of it cause I was intending to give them some money for the kids’ school clothes anyway but just hadn’t seen them. He also had kitchen sink problems and had to go to Lowe’s to get a couple of things to hopefully fix his sink and put it back together. He and Isaiah stopped by here on the way back and I had him pick some green tomatoes for fried green tomatoes and then gave them some ripe ones for slicing. I also picked all of the ripe blueberry tomatoes for them to eat. Not sure they will like them, but if not, they can pitch um. I know I won’t be planting them next year. I’m sticking with regular cherry or grape red tomatoes in the future for the little ones.

Every time I almost get enough tomatoes to make spaghetti sauce, I give some away, which is really ok. They are ripening faster now, so I should have enough by mid week I think, unless I give more away. If Dad has some big ones he needs to get rid of, then I am sure I’ll be able to make the spaghetti sauce. I only intend to make a canner full and no more than 2 at the most. One would be good. I have over a dozen red ones on my counter and probably need to put them in the garage frig today until I’m ready to use them.

I received the order confirmation on the wt jiggler for the pressure cooker, but not sure if that means it will be shipped today or not. Wish I knew when they ship it. Maybe I’ll get another email when they do, or it will just show up.

BIL mowed the trailer yard Sat evening and then finished it yesterday afternoon. He has been working 6 days a week and I know he was tired before he ever got started. It is done again now for a couple of weeks unless it rains the weekend he is supposed to mow again. That happened this time as he was supposed to mow last weekend but it was too wet. It was really too wet this weekend but it was getting to the point of mowing it wet or it being so tall and thick that it couldn’t be mowed and would have to be weed eated instead. That is a bear to do, as when I “mowed” it, I would use the weed eater on most of the hill instead of the push mower.

I have a shark steam mop. I know-big deal, right? LOL Well when I bought it and looked at the mop pad, I thought I could make one which I did. Saturday, I was using it, and notice the one I made was getting worn and while using it, I used one of my netting scrubbies to get up stuck stuff from the floor. Viola!! IDEA!! Yesterday I made another mop pad, and crocheted a netting strip the length of the pad and about 1” wide. I added another piece of velcro but to the bottom this time, attached the nylon scrubby and now I have a scrubber attached to the pad that can be removed. I haven’t tried it out yet, but plan to today. Who knows, I may have come up with a brilliant idea/plan. lol

I believe it is fixing to rain again. The sky is now filled with darker clouds and instead of getting lighter outside it is getting darker. Glad I picked the tomatoes already this morning and filled the feeders again.

Have a workshop meeting tonight for sure. They will continue the layoff of those that volunteered for it for another week and maybe two. I need to find out tonight what happened as I thought our funds were pretty good. The meeting could be a long one tonight and I’m not looking forward to that but we need to get things taken care of so all the employees can come back to work. Several ideas on the agenda for fund raising and the website of the WS has a place you can click to donate through paypal. Once I found out what and how much the WS needs to get back to normal I plan to do a donation. If any of you are interested, I can provide the website in a future entry and if not, that is fine too. Leave a comment if you want the info.

I must go as it looks more serious out there and I need to disconnect this laptop. I may read my ebook, “Dark Ages” and it not as many pages as I written on a previous entry. It is around 350 pages. Not sure what the number I see means, but maybe how many time you have to scroll or something when you’re reading?

Have a great day and God Bless

Last updated August 08, 2016

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