Survey time in Stolen surveys.

  • Aug. 6, 2016, 4:04 a.m.
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  • Public

you like blue cheese?
Depends whom I am licking it off of.

Have you ever smoked?
Yes that one time I tried to walk across hot coals for Jesus.
Moral of the story: Fuck Jesus.

Do you own a gun?
Nope, they’re all stolen.
Well then again, I guess I own them for now.

What is your favorite flavor?
A pretty girls ass.
I know, this might be weird, or so called acquired taste, but there is something about sticking your face deep in a girls butt.
Oh wait, is this TMI?

Do you get nervous before Doctor visits?
Believe it or not, I never had doctor visit me.
Now that I think of it, I bet that fucking bastard thinks that he’s too good to visit me in my shitty apartment.
Well you know what? Fuck him and his pritzy tight lipped stuck up ass. I woud.... fuck, I forgot what we were talking about.

What do you think of hot dogs?
I can’t speak for them myself, but I’d be willing to bet that they wont be walking across hot coals, for Jesus, anytime soon either.

Favorite Movies?
Yes, they are.

What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
The tears of little children!!

Do you do push ups?
I prefer press downs against the ground.

What’s your favorite pieces of jewelry?
Osama Bin Laden’s platinum covered scrotum.

Favorite hobbies?
I’m a guy, so yeah, it’s playing with my ding dong.
I’m doing it now.
That’s right, I can type with my toes.
Ok, get that picture out of your mind right now!!
Ha, you can’t, can you.
Crap, wait, is that a wart?
Hahaha, you’re picturing that too aren’t you?
Ok, kiss it and make it better.

Buuahha ha ha ha, I own your fucking mind!!

Do you have A.D.D.?
No, and you don’t either, your just fucking lazy and fantasize too much.
Like you just did about my ding dong, and kissing it.

What are things you dislike about yourself?
Being a slave to the man.

What is your middle name?
I am Attila Chestnut, from Fruitdale Alabama!

Name some thoughts you have at this moment: “Why the fuck do they put so many Hershey’s bitter chocolates in the Hershey’s fucking mixed chocolate bag, and not enough Mr. Good bars?”

Name 3 drinks you regularly have.
No, fuck off.
You name three.
No fucker, you know what? Name four!!

Current worry?
Will I ever taste morning pussy again?

Current annoyance right now?
That I probably wont taste morning pussy anytime soon.

Favorite place to be?
In your butt!!
Hahahaha, yeah, I’m a 50 year old juvenile.
But no, seriously, I really like it in your butt.

How do you ring in the New Year?
The same way I rung in the old one.

Where would you like to go?
I might like to take a lot of people’s advice, and try to go fuck myself.

Do you own slippers?
Does anyone really own slippers, or does our feet just rent them for awhile.
Deep thoughts!

What color shirt are you wearing right now?
I’m kind of naked at the moment.

Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
No, because the “wet spot,” gets too cold, and not that nice warm as it does in Egyptian cotton.

Can you whistle?
Yes, as a matter of fact I can.

What are your favorite colors?
Echymotic cadaver blue.

What would you like to be ?
A ten cent whore.

What songs do you sing in the shower? “I’m washing my ding dong, dingy dingy dong, scrubby scrub scrubbing my dingy dingy dong dong.”
After about the tenth verse the neighbors start flushing their toilets.

Favorite girls name?

Favorite boys name?

What’s in your pocket?

Last thing that made you laugh?
Probably the last thing that made you cry.

Best toy as a child?
That’s just sick.

Worst injuries you have ever had?
The dark, bitter crushing of my fucking Spirit!!

Where would you love to live?
Over there!

How many TV’s do you have?
Do we really have transvestites, or do we just rent them for an hour?
Yes. We do.

Who is your loudest friend?
That one in the basement.

How many pets do you have?
You know what? Now that you ask, I realize, not that many.

Does someone trust you?
My friend in the basement, that I will let her out.
Poor fucker, just wait til she finds the…
well never mind, I don’t want to ruin the surprise, in case you end up down there.

What book are you reading at the moment? “The little brick that hit your big fat head.”

What’s your favorite candy?
The one in my mouth.

What’s your favorite sports team?
Mudslinging triplets.

Favorite month?

What are your favorite foods ?
The ones that I’m eating and you’re not.

Do you like to dress up ?
All I’m saying is that my legs look great in stockings, and we’ll leave it at that, ok?

What kind of houses are you drawn to ?
 photo 10969569-empty-room-Stock-Photo-interior.jpg

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