Dr apt. in Adventures of New baby and family

  • Aug. 2, 2016, 10:21 p.m.
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I went to my favorite place.... The obgyn. Truthfully. LOL
It is really. They know me there and treat the baby like gold.
Miracle baby they all call him. The doctor the ultrasound techs, etc…
I eat it up. I love the doctor. He comes in so for once we have a normal appointment he laughs. I think might be the first normal one I’ve had with you. I laugh back…
Its been a journey with him. I knew he would mention the IUD and did. I didn’t care. I told him, It was getting so I couldn’t pick up the baby. I didn’t tell him that part. He got the I was taking too much Ibuprofen and it was bothering my stomach. At least its the whole story now. Apparently it doesn’t like anything in it including the baby. He knows that I had crapping and so forth with him in the first trimester and through-out. I’m sure, he’s got to know that I couldn’t have a CVS (chorionic villus sample) because of contractions and why I went with the amniocentesis . Apparently just made this little tyke tougher and deal with what came next.
Tomorrow will be one year since I got my first ultrasound. What a difference a year makes....

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