8/02/16 in 750 Words

  • Aug. 2, 2016, 5:37 p.m.
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It’s officially one month until my 31st birthday. And I have no clue what I’m going to be doing. All I know is that I might take my birthday off and take a 4 day weekend instead of a 3 day one. I don’t know if I want to stay at home that long though, oh my god am I kind of wonked at home these days.

We got the AC in finally this week. Now the downstairs is finally livable and I tend to doze there till late in the evening when I crawl into my bed. It might not be the best situation in the world, but it works, no matter how much Court whines about the fact that we jury rigged a place for the AC to sit. At least I’m comfy and the babies don’t have to worry about being overheated.

I spoke to Brandon for the first time in ages last night. I had a lot of fun talking with him and I’m going to talk to him again tonight. I forgot how much I enjoy his company and how much I adore him. We’re going to do some writing and roleplaying together, and that’ll be fun. I’ll have to get back into the writing mood - shake the dust off.

I worked on some new pieces of maile last night. I think they actually turned out well enough that I’m going to finish up the set (bracelet, earrings, necklace) and then see about taking some good pictures of them. I still need to find my battery and charger for my camera so I can start taking good picture now that there’s a decent amount of light in the evenings.

I haven’t talked to Milo today, I wonder how she’s doing. Last night Patrick took the cap off of a hot radiator and ended up splashing himself with anti-freeze. Luckily, he stepped back fast, and only got a bit on his hand and a bunch on his shirt. We stopped at Mom’s house (he and Milo had picked me up) and he took a quick shower, changed into one of Court’s shirts, and the three of us went out for dinner before they dropped me back off at home. After that was when I did my maile work. Maili and I also worked on button designs for Pokémon Go. We got some really good ones started, we just need to make a couple design changes before we can call them finished. I’m really excited to get those into production. Even if it does mean I’ll be stuck making a crapton of buttons.

I got my shit together and got a new etsy shop started. I ended up closing the other shop months and months ago when I thought I was going to leave off the selling of maile and buttons. I caved though and restarted from the bottom up. The shop is: www.etsy.com/shop/CreativeCavies It has my maile and buttons on it now. I am going to add perler stuff, as well as other things that I make. One of the things I want to add to it is the belt that I just finished, as well as the skirt. I’ll have to have Maili wear them so I can get action shots. :) I still want a mannequin to do my action shots later on, but for now, I’m stuck chasing Maili down and saying “Do this Maili! Do this!” She hates getting her picture taken almost as much as I do.

I don’t know what else to talk about today. There’s really not much going on in my noggin. I’m just working my way through the day today so I can go home. I have a couple of maile pieces that I want to work on, and I think it’s my turn to cook dinner. I figure I’ll grill up some chicken on the George Foreman grill, or maybe see if we can get something to go on the big grill, although that might have to be later. I’m also going to do some veggies for me and I guess something like Mac and Cheese for Mom. She doesn’t like veggies.

Oh! I know what I can talk about. So, the new T-Mobile Tuesday Giveaways thing… I’ve been following that for the last two weeks. Last week I got it set up so that Pokémon Go doesn’t take any high speed data from my data stash (Yay!) but this week’s even more entertaining – I got a ticket (up to 13.00) to Suicide Squad on Friday. :) I had some credit with Fandango so I upgraded to a 3D IMAX showing. Didn’t cost me a thing. Now to figure out if there’s any Lyft drivers here in town. I know we have Ubers, but I don’t think we have Lyfts. That would have been nice though, I could have gotten a free ride home too. Le Sigh.

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