Welfare for grocery stores? in A small but passable life.
- July 27, 2016, 2:58 a.m.
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Let’s throw some truth out there. Total SNAP benefits in 2014 were $74.1 billion, benefiting some 46.6 million people with an average of $125.35 for each person per month.
Never mind the people who may actually need that $4.12 per day to stay alive, but who really benefits? (By the way, could you stay alive with just $4.12 per day for food?)
This is a government subsidy to grocery stores. How many grocery stores would be closed and how many people would be laid off if this money went away?
Just thought I’d throw that out there.
A “three pound can of coffee” is now just 24 ounces. Half the size, but still the same price. Ridiculous. And sad.
The high temperatures have slacked off some but the humidity is still atrocious. I think I’ll stay inside for a bit longer.
I believe the main drawback to rising early in the day is the fact that it makes the waking day that much longer. Too many hours to fill. I spend enough hours as it is surfing the interwebs and staring out the window.
In researching countries to emigrate to I’ve found that good reviews are scarce. And this is because that when Americans find a good place they soon realize that one of the best benefits is the lack of other Americans there which means they are reluctant to reveal the findings to other Americans. That is why sailors and backpackers are so secretive. Who wants to be around loud, obnoxious American fuckwits other than other American fuckwits?
It also seems as though Americans have become an unwanted infestation most places.
I think I may have found a suitable island nation. Maybe. Just maybe.
I’ll probably never go but it’s nice to think about.
Anyway, I’ll sit here for awhile longer and read the philosophy book.
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