ending 2013 in Everything
- Jan. 6, 2014, 1:34 p.m.
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With the surgery behind me and my knee healing well I stumbled into my Christmas vacation. My company shuts down (mostly) from Christmas to New Years. I look forward to this every year. A paid week off. So how did I spend my vacation week? Glad you asked. Thursday and Friday I slept in and when I did finally crawl outta bed I went from room to room in my apartment (it’s basically two rooms) cleaned and picked up. And in between watched a few episodes of Homeland and played a little GTA, ok a lot of GTA. The other wonderful thing about this vacation was that my favorite beer, ok other than PBR, Narragansett came out with a Coffee Milk Stout. 16oz of happiness in a can. Now some people will tell you that alcohol and Vicodin don’t mix, those people are lying. I accidentally mixed the two, and by accidentally I mean on purpose. I understood the meaning of life, discovered a solution to world hunger, and was well on my way to curing cancer but I kind of lost motivation. By the time I sobered up I had forgotten it all over again. So it probably time to go over some of those resolutions seeing as its all January and such. Here are mine from last year. 1. Go to the gym more. (I did and ended up tearing my meniscus. But still I get a point for this one) 2. Loose weight/Eat better. (Dropped 45lbs by August and have kept it off, another point) 3. Apply myself more at work. (Lets not get too greedy here, no points) 4. Save money. (Not consistantly, gotta still work on that, no points) 5. Be happier. (Always a work in progress, ½ point) So for those of you keeping track at home, It’s PBR man 2.5 out of a possible 5, not too bad. Gotta keep working on 3 and 4 though. They will probably become the 2014 ones.
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