7/18/16 in 750 Words

  • July 18, 2016, 3:38 p.m.
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The weekend was a good one. :) Saturday I went shopping with Court, and picked up Bob to go see Ghostbusters. We enjoyed the movie a lot more than we thought we would, I was kind of creeped out by a few things (namely the whole interaction between Kevin, the receptionist, and the red-headed Ghostbuster), but all in all it was a good diversion for a few hours. Will I be buying the movie? Probably not. Will I watch it if it’s on TV, I may, if there’s nothing else on. All in all it was serviceable.

Court’s been acting really weird. He says that he misses me and whatnot. I think he’s just horny and is trying to get into my pants. It’s to the point where it’s downright uncomfortable. I know he says he’s “teasing” about me hopping into bed with him, but he’s not teasing, we both know he’s not teasing, and he’s trying to pressure me into sleeping with him. If this keeps up, I’m going to stay at my sister’s for a few days. I know I’m having troubles with Nate - mainly because I’m getting frustrated with his lack of effort to do anything, but I’m not going to cheat on him, and especially not with Court. That ship has sailed and blew up in the middle of the ocean.

This whole uncomfortable thing started throwing up red flags on Saturday – we all (Me, Court, and Bob) spent the evening watching movies. I was sitting between the two guys and Court got pouty every time I curled up to lean against Bob in order to watch the movies. I liked curling up against Bob because he doesn’t take it to mean anything other than the fact that I like using his shoulder as a pillow. We watched Easy A, Saved!, and Tropic Thunder.

Sunday was work’s Roadeo. It’s an obstacle course for transit operators and there’s a whole bunch of events. We were hosting Regionals for the first time yesterday, and I helped judge on one of the obstacles. My job was watching to make sure the buses didn’t hit a cone while preforming the reverse right turn. They had to drive up and reverse into a parking spot, making a right hand turn to get in. Most of them did really well with the event. Nicki (my judging partner) and I had a lot of fun talking, along with Bob (who I dragged along) and his judging partner, Julie. After the event, work put on a BBQ and we ate and chatted. Got home at about 3 or so, and we all, Me, Bob, and Mom took a nap until she had to get up and get ready to go to work. Nice and restful evening.

I’ve been walking a lot with the Pokémon Go app and I’m working on cashing in on my little piece of it – Maili, my sister, is working on Team Buttons for me. This way come the weekend I can walk around with a bunch of buttons on my bag and sell them when people ask about them. I’m thinking about 2.00 each here at home. That’ll definitely pay for time and work and the like. Maili’s good at designing things like this, I can’t wait to show off her skills.

There’s not much else going on with me right now, Maili was in the hospital for about 4 or so days, she’s back out and healthy again. Pat’s going through chemo still and is unhappy with it. Just the whole feeling weak thing is getting to him, he’s not used to it. Me? Other than money issues, and feeling like I should be doing something productive at all times, I’m doing really good. Well, maybe not “really good,” maybe more like “meh.” That’s a long way from really good, but it’s closer to the truth.

I’m going to try to get working on things again, and try to get stuff sorted out and the like so I can get back on track. I need to sell more of my jewelry and more buttons, I need to post more stuff, I need to just be more active and the like. It’s hard lately, it’s really hard to be telling myself I should pick up the pliers and make stuff, or I should take the button parts and make buttons, especially since I have so much of it already stocked away. I need to work on maile more than anything else, and displays. I just don’t know how to go about on the maile when I’m down to so little metal and no real “umph” on getting it done.

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