more attempts at adulting in no longer wide-eyed and full
- July 17, 2016, 6:44 a.m.
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I am bored. I’ve hit the wall.
I had an interview on Friday and it went well and then I had a nice afternoon with my brother and I pictured what my life would be like if I ended up getting the job.
Today I talked to someone who currently works at the place I’m interviewing at on Monday and again, pictured what my life would be like if I got that job.
One’s in San Diego. The other is in New York City.
It’s easier to picture myself back in San Diego – taking walks in the park in Point Loma on my lunch break, spending my Saturdays at the farmers market and reading in coffee shops. New York is a complete wild card, but I can see glimpses of me wandering the city by myself, finding new coffee shops every weekend.
At this point, I am bored and tired and I’m starting to believe a three month internship in NYC might do me some good. I long for something different – even though I think topically I long for something different and out of Temecula and in my own life. Moving to NYC absolutely terrifies me, but aren’t you supposed to do the things that scare you the most?
Everything at this point is speculation. But I’m tired of waiting. I’ve never done well in the summer and this summer is no different. I’m bored. I’ve hit the wall.
Last updated July 19, 2016
northern lights ⋅ July 17, 2016
Random noter: I say go for it!
Mercurial Muse ⋅ July 17, 2016
Also random person: do it! It's a gamble and it won't be all roses and sunshine, but you'll back on the experience in your life grateful for the time and the experiences and the lessons learned from doing something scary.