6/16/16 in 750 Words

  • June 16, 2016, 6:29 p.m.
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Well, on the plus side, I’m working on making the foundation of a good habit. Sadly, it’s not taking all that well.

I don’t remember much of yesterday, in all honesty. Pat went to chemo, I went to work. I got dropped off early so that I could leave early, so I could be there when they finished. Work was okay, I just… wasn’t that into it. My mind kept fluttering around and I kept losing my place and losing my mind and stuff. Numbers weren’t working right. It was okay, just difficult.

I did get out early, went with my mom and picked up Pat’s meds, then grabbed him and Milo, took them home, put Pat on the couch and headed home. When I got home, I broke the 7 Days to Die server >.< I sent in a ticket to have them fix it. Hopefully it’ll get fixed tonight so I can game with Milo. Mom went to sleep early, I fidgeted. x.x I did a lot of fidgeting and the like until I went up to bed. So yeah, it was a boring night.

Woke up this morning and didn’t want to do anything. I just wanted to… do nothing. Seriously, nothing. I got up and grabbed breakfast with Mom at IHOP and then came in to work.

Work was okay, just a lot of the normal stuff. There’s like… nothing really going on. -chuckles- That’s not a bad thing, in all honesty, but not a good one either. I don’t have any plans for the weekend either. I think I might see about spending time with Nate and Bradley. We’ll just have to figure it out.

I think this is the problem that I had last time with this… once I got to a certain point, I had nothing really to talk about. I know what I should be doing, and what I should be focusing on and it’s not really happening -chuckles-.

Oh, I got a rejection letter from Geek Girl Con. That’s okay, I wasn’t planning on really getting into that one. I do have to sit down and do my taxes and the like for the business, although there’s not much to talk about. >.< I have one show that I’ve done and that’s about it. I haven’t even really bought much lately either. I’ll have to figure that out within the next few days.

PAG (Pretty Awesome Gamers) sent me a message saying that they got their buttons. They loved them. :) I’m going to see about making more for them if they need them. I also need to get the dojo buttons finished. o.o Shit, I have to do that today. -runs in circles- Oh well, I’ll get them done as soon as I finish here, at least the printing part. I want to have something for Kerry to see.

I also need to sit down and start sorting through my buttons and getting things together to go to Capital Eclectic Merchants. In fact, I’m going to give them a call as soon as I finish here so I can see if I need to bring anything over, and how much they’d like and blah, blah, blah.

Tomorrow’s a fun day – going to come in a bit early, and need to finish up my weekly work before heading to the doctor’s office. Just a physical, but I hate the doctor’s office. Like my doctor though.

Uuhmm… what else? I should work some on my maile too, and come up with patterns for perler beads. There’s all this stuff I want to do, and should do, but I lose a lot of my “umph” when I get home. I might talk to Mom about either going out to Mel’s diner, or hanging out in the garage when I get home, so I have a little more time and energy to do things. I do still have to bathe guinea pigs too.

That’s something that drives me nuts. I have to bathe the guineas, which I don’t mind, but I don’t get any help doing it… like… they’ll hee and haw when it comes time to bathe them, because they don’t want to hold the piggies (well, Court’s the one I’m thinking about here) which means I bathe one, and then hold it and rub it down and when it’s dry, I don’t want to do anymore because I’m too tired / caught up in something else. That’s my bad though. Tonight I think I’m going to bathe the OGs. Give them good baths and cut their nails. Wheee!

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