6/10/16 in 750 Words

  • June 10, 2016, 2:59 p.m.
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I’m awake.

I woke up a little late today but not as bad as yesterday. I did end up playing on my phone for a bit and just relaxing in bed. I’m awake now and sitting with a Munchie on my shoulder. She’s shivering like she’s cold, but she won’t let me sit with her under a blanket or anything – she has to sit on my shoulder like a good little guinea pig. Little twerp.

Tonight I’m going out with Nate. I’m feeling a little wishy-washy on that this morning. I know it’ll be fun and I’ll enjoy myself when I get there, it’s just getting everything coordinated and set up. -chuckles- I can’t wait to hang out with them. We’re going to geocache and I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun.

Jen’s lei is slowly getting along. I folded 24 of the bills last night and hope to get some more done today so I can start stringing them tonight. Shit, I’m spending tonight with Nate – well, I’ll start stringing them tomorrow.

We’re going to have a crafting party of sorts tomorrow. I need to remember to tell Mom to pick up some more light bulbs and move out some more lights out to the garage. Nick, Milo, Bob, Nate, and Bradley will be over tomorrow. Maybe we can play some card/board games before we work. I have fifty million buttons to get done, as well as some to be sorted and the like. I also have maile to get done, and the lei to get strung/folded. I might make someone work on that too. I love having my own little sweatshop. That reminds me, gotta figure out snacks for it too.

Munchie’s shaking is distracting me. I’ll have to snuggle her when I get finished here.

I don’t think there’s much else to talk about, in all honesty. I spent some time with Milo last night and Mom and I talked about her when we got home. Mom’s worried that she’s going to end up falling apart and not telling us that she needs our support and love till it’s too late. So we’re trying to figure out a way to make sure that she knows that we’re here for her no matter what, especially now that she’s dealing with the Pat thing. Mom’s all for not saying anything, I think tomorrow I’m going to pull her aside and tell her straight out that we’re here for anything she needs – if she needs a shoulder to cry on for a little bit, or someone to yell and scream at, something to hit and wail at, or just a drink and a hug. She’s usually the strong one of us all, so I think she needs to be reminded that she doesn’t have to be strong all the time.

Hmm… what else? I’m only at 500 words.

I sent Pretty Awesome Gamers their buttons already. They should receive them anytime, hell, they should have had them yesterday.

what I should have done was looked up the last few bullet point lists of things I needed to do, and figure out what I’ve gotten done and adding to it. :) The table’s a mess again, so I should clean that off sometime, but other than that, I can’t remember what else is on the list. Oh! I know what I should do… I need to get some more hair combs so I can make more large flower combs. I also need to make more large flowers. I wonder what i did with the other half of the rings for them. That’ll be a task for a few days from now.

I do need to double check with a couple sites and find out if I have booths for this year… and I need to call in Mom’s meds today. That’ll be done as soon as the pharmacy is open – that way she can swing by after picking up her check to pick up the meds.

I just want to sit here with a munchie and sway back and forth, listening to music and zoning out. I don’t want to go to work today, heh. But I have to, I have stuff that has to get done and if I don’t go to work today, then I’m not going to have enough time off for this summer. And after being in queue for 45 minutes for tickets, I AM going to PAX. I figure if Nate breaks up with me before then, I’ll just drag someone else with me, but I AM going.

It’ll be an awesome birthday present.

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