6/9/16 in 750 Words

  • June 10, 2016, 3:15 p.m.
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I almost missed the day again today. I got up late and remembered that I had to do this but didn’t have time to. Would have done it at work but I was busy from start to finish there too.

There’s not much to talk about today, I don’t think. Work was really work-like, and home’s been “Meh.”

Pat went in today to get a port put in his chest for chemo and everything. When I got off of work (a half hour late due to stuff I wanted to get finished), I went and grabbed Milo and Pat’s car – he couldn’t drive it due to grogginess and drugs and the like, and Milo still doesn’t have her license. Drove the car to my place, mom got into our car, and she followed me to drop the car off. We stayed and talked and watched some Bob Ross on netflix. Torri had her baby there, little Rorrie is 3 months old now, so I got to play with her. It was nice. She smelled like new baby.

Got home and here I am. I’m in a mood. I’m not sure exactly what kind of mood. It’s one of those “I don’t want to do this, or that, or this third thing, but I have to do something or else I’ll go crazy” moods. I want to talk to Nate and reach out to be with people, talking, connecting, etc. But at the same time, I don’t want to bother at all with it, or him. Bad, I know.

I suppose I should start working on folding the damned bills for Jen’s lei. :) I mean, she only graduates in like… two days? I’m hoping that I won’t end up trying to finish it in the car on the way down to Portland. I have a total of 4 out of the 100+ bills folded. S-L-A-C-K-E-R, am I right?

I’m tossing ideas around my head for stories… so I’m kind of filled with thoughts (no snot though, I’m over the cold) and ideas. I think that could be part of my issue, trying to get the thoughts and stuff out of my head.

Oh. I know what I can write about…

I went to Michael’s (Mom’s Coworker/Best friend’s son) graduation and ended up so… I don’t know… I think I was feeling rejected and like an outcast or something, but it made me angry. I had done my best to be there for Podling (Michael) since he was like… 13 or so. I went to his graduation yesterday, and he pretty much brushed me aside when I went to congratulate him after the ceremony… he was too busy sucking face with his girlfriend to bother even saying hello to the aunts and uncles who drove all the way to Yakima. -shakes her head- It just… yeah. I don’t know. I felt under appreciated.

It didn’t help my mood that I was hungry, and I was going to wander off and grab something to eat downtown but Mike’s dad started whining that he didn’t know where he was and he didn’t like this place and he wasn’t sure if he could find his way home and on and on. I pointed out that you just have to go up the hill and BAM, you’re on the main street. Nooooo, I had to ride with them.

Only to find out he wanted me to ride with them, because he wanted someone other than his wife’s family at their house to celebrate. I didn’t go with. I went home instead. And ate over cooked chicken tenders. -wrinkles her nose- Wasn’t a good night.

My mood’s been kind of up and down most of the week, and I don’t like it. I don’t like being up and down and up and down and up and the like. Nate and I are spending tomorrow together and I hope that helps. I was thinking that maybe we could do a themed night, since it’ll just be the three of us in a hotel (we all needed to get out of our houses and I couldn’t go to Shelton this weekend due to the fact that I’m needed here at the house Sat and Sun both). I was thinking that we’re going to do something like a movie night.

The hotel has flat screen TVs with all the things to plug in and whatnot… I figure I can see about taking a laptop with us, or a computer, and the cords and we’ll do a “sleep over” themed night – maybe get pizza for dinner, bring a popcorn popper and drink soda while watching movies.

I don’t know. I just thought it sounded like fun.

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