Dr Visit update in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • June 7, 2016, 6:09 a.m.
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Yes I did go. Yes, they took blood. And there will be a ton of tests scheduled. Not looking forward to the $$$$ I’ll be paying on the co-pay but it is what it is and that is that. I have a walking order for chest xrays but will get that when the mammogram is scheduled. Stress test, Cardio gram (I think) and maybe another test that I can’t remember. She was listing so many tests she wants me to take it boggled my mind. *Sigh

No pain since last week, which is a good thing. I was trying to convince her that it was probably caused by me working pretty hard outside and not always taking my meds in a timely manner and that I was doing what and taking my meds on a better schedule. I need to start taking a baby aspirin every day and I will get them today and add them to the 3 meds I take in the AMs. I forgot to tell her that I had started taking Turmeric every day, and thankfully it IS helping the arthritis aches and pain. I’m a believer in Turmeric!!

The place that will setting up J’s Bi-pap machine called me yesterday and I need to take J to the doc I saw yesterday to have her see and talk to him about the bi-pap per Medicare’s instructions. She or her office will then send the paperwork that she sign to the place, who will send to Medicare and then they will approve payment for his equipment. Geeze!! What a crazy and long ordeal this is for him to get a machine to help him obtain more air during sleep!!

Did absolutely no work yesterday outside. Did clean J’s room and washed more laundry. Also washed a few dishes and aired out the Tahoe. I drove to the gas station on Sunday afternoon to buy gas for the mowers, and it spilled a little bit inside the back of Tahoe. Yuk!! Left it outside on Sunday night with the windows open a bit and then when J left yesterday morning and the sun was coming up, I opened up the back of the Tahoe and left it open to evaporate until I left for the Drs appointment. It pretty much eliminated the gas smell so I parked it back in the garage last night.

O had a home game yesterday evening at 6:30 and J got home just before 6 so I went to his game. So glad I was able to go to this home game. He was so good. He hit a huge home run that brought in 4 runs, and the ball went over the fence. They found the ball for him and wrote the distance it went and the date and gave it to him for safe keeping. He also pitched a couple of innings and normally he is catching so he was excited about pitching and his mom was a nervous wreck. I think that he’s going to to go far in his baseball endeavors if he continues doing what he did last night.

O has named the beagle dog. Can’t remember what he named it, but that is never a good sign that it will go to another forever home. I think it has one now. Polka Dot does need a friend, but a beagle can drive you crazy with the barking. I hope it all works out for the best and I think once Polka Dot feels comfortable and isn’t so protective or jealous maybe, things will be fine. I’m actually a bit surprised that Polka Dot has allowed him to stay at all cause the little beagle is male too. Just hope the beagle doesn’t start digging in my flowers or tomato plants that aren’t in tubs. That will get him in trouble.

It rained some more sometime overnight. At first didn’t think it was much, but then noticed my rain catching buckets on the far end of the porch were all full again so it did rain pretty hard for a time anyway. Must have been late last night or really really early this morning, cause the concrete drive was already dry when I got up and could see it. Will not have to water anything today unless it is the plants under the porch, but did that yesterday. There are 4 baby birds in the hanging basket nest.

Going to visit a friend today about 30 miles East of here. Visited with her last month and she called me after I’d gone to bed last night and asked if we were “still on” for today. Nope. But yes. I didn’t know we’d settled on today’s date, but apparently we did. She asked me if I would come to her house and give her some yard ideas. Have not a clue what she has in mind, but I’m game.

I’m done writing and will end this. Take care and God Bless

Last updated June 07, 2016

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