6/3/16 in 750 Words

  • June 3, 2016, 7:06 a.m.
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So last night I went to the movies with Nate and his brothers… Alex was Alex – tried to get on Nate’s nerves by flirting with me and making stupid Hawaiian jokes. I like Alex, he’s harmless and he and I have an understanding… he’s welcome to make stupid jokes and snarky jokes with me as the butt of them but if I ever really get upset or find out that it was painful or touched too close to home, I tell him, and he backs off. I think I’m the only one of Nate’s girlfriends who’s been able to hang with Alex. It helps that I think that Nate getting all flustered and cranky at him is entertaining. His other brother, Matt, was one that I met only through the computer. He’s pretty cool, got his shit together. Definitely the cute one of the three, if a little too full of himself. Good kid. And yes, I did say “kid,” the boy’s almost 5 years younger than I am.

Civil War was alright, I don’t think I was quite the right audience for it – I never really cared for the Captain America movies (In fact, I haven’t seen the Winter Soldier), the Iron Man movies (I think I saw the first one all the way through, but none of the others), or the Avengers movies (I saw the first one), so watching a movie that combines all three of those just kind of made me go “Ok.” I mean, it wasn’t bad, but I just didn’t have the emotional investment (she says as she sits with Deadpool socks on, and wearing a Deadpool shirt). I can say that I really liked SpiderMan. Nate was all “Eww, they screwed up Spiderman” and blah, blah, blah. But I really liked him. For the first time I saw what Peter Parker was supposed to be – an outcast of a teenage boy who’s fairly insecure (at least at that point, since he had his powers for a couple of months) and very new at being a superhero. Granted, they messed up Aunt Mae in my opinion, but Peter / Spidey was almost perfect for me. Down to the fact that he’s almost star-struck during the fight scenes. I think he was my favorite part of the whole movie.

Well, Bucky’s cute. :) I do like my men with longish hair and kind of grungy looking.

After the movie we went out for dinner, chatted for a while and then I was dropped off at home. Just in time to shed my nice clothes, dress for bed, and collapse for a few hours. I’m actually feeling better today. Although with the weather report that just played, I’m not sure if I’ll survive the heat wave coming for us. I have been working on my list that I posted yesterday…

  • The buttons for the donation to PAG are all together and ready to be shipped off. They’ll be shipped today after work.
  • The desk has been cleaned up a bit… still have to work on finding a home for everything, but it’s getting there.
  • I looked up bookshelves and talked to Court (the roomie), he said to wait till we get the last load of cardboard out of the garage before bringing in a bookshelf, that way we have some room to figure out how we want to set it up. Good point. I called Milo to talk to her friend with a truck. If Nate’s brother wasn’t going back to Nevada on Saturday, I’d convince him to help me haul the crap.

Today I don’t have much on my plate… Still going to get things started. I have to find glue dots while out today, so I can make a Money Lei for Jen-chan’s graduation next weekend. And Court says we need hay and bedding for the guinea pigs, so I guess I’m being dragged out for that. Whee?

I don’t know what I’m going to do this weekend, besides going to a bookshop – the Half Price Books outlet store has a “everything’s $1!” sale tomorrow… I’m dragging Bob out to it so we can oogle things. As well as go and buy all the crafty stuff I need, woo. Oh, and I’m supposed to go and look at a car tonight, so I might actually have my own wheels soon! I’m actually kind of excited about that. Bob and I decided that we needed a car between the two of us in order to go to our shows… the whole Train thing is fun and all, but a pain in the ass.

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