Snowy mornings. in A Life Uncommon

  • Jan. 2, 2014, 7:39 a.m.
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Let's just go ahead and talk about it: I'm still not sure how I feel. I mean, I am getting happy and excited now. I am letting go of my disappointment and sadness - we had plans and life isn't going to stop. Plans can be altered.

I still need to tell the two most judgemental people in my life (and thusly the reason they are last.....I'm dreading it) - my father and sister. It is really sad that I FEAR telling them because I know the reaction will be mean and hurtful.

I am determined to make this the happiest pregnancy ever. My last three were riddled with strife and stress. And I was so sick with Gavin that I had no intentions of ever being pregnant again. I don't want to feel so sad or sick this time!

I think iron is a key part of my sickness. I don't know why I didn't think about it with the last pregnancy, but it occurred to me a few days ago that exhaustion and dark circles are probably an indicator of low iron. And duh, of course it would be low. I've been pregnant or nursing for years straight now. I didn't take any iron supplements with G (because it never crossed me to) and I think that + stress totally did me in. Instead of ever feeling better I just craved ice and cried all day from being sick and tired.

So anyway, I got my vitamins yesterday and grabbed some iron too.

I plan on calling the OB today to make an appointment. What? Yeah. But it's not what you think.

Bottom line, unless I feel that my or baby's life is in danger, I won't ever deliver in a hospital again. But I do want to get my levels done, and maybe a dating scan. It is easier to go through an OB -I found out last time. Despite my PCP being very accommodating, there are a lot of hoops. I think keeping my former OB team on deck is the way to go. Labs, access to zofran, and a way to get a peek between baby's legs if we so choose. And then worst case I will just "oops" at home (under the care of my midwife, obviously) .

All of this to say I still don't feel pregnant. It doesn't feel very real. My Boobs are sore, and I am definitely dealing with some haywire emotions. I'm also crampy throughout the day. Beyond doesn't feel real.

I forget it a lot and then remember in random bursts. Such as, MOTHER EFF WE GOT RID OF ALL THE BABY STUFF.

I think I'm going to be in denial until the birth again. But I am going to be HAPPY this time.

Act accordingly, Universe.

Sagittarienne January 02, 2014

Im squeeing for you. Im really THAT thrilled for you!!

And girlfriend...tsktsk!! Have you not been taking prenatal vitamins through your last pregnancies and nurslings?? Definitely glad youre taking one now. I bet you'll notice youre feeling a bit better. Careful with the iron might back you up. Colace can be your very best friend. ;)

i scheduled a midwife appointment for later this month. The 27th. Then hopefully they'll give me an order to get an early ultrasound.

My symptoms are exactly the same. My boobs. OMG my boobs. Theyre sore to the touch and my nipples are SO sensitive right now (and not in the awesome way).

However, Matt and I sexed last night for the first time since finding out, and OMG amazing. I was afraid to because of how sore I am....but it was good. ;)

Life.Uncommon Sagittarienne ⋅ January 02, 2014

I took vitamins with the others but I think I needed the extra iron with G, that's what I meant. Of COURSE I took vitamins :) I recall needing the extra iron with N, and I didn't with J so I never thought about it with G. I'm only just now having it occur to me that iron was probably a large culprit.

sweetest.downfall January 02, 2014


Soulslulluby January 03, 2014

I'm sorry your dad and sister are so judgmental about the miracle of life. I'd say screw them, but I know it's not that easy. ::hugs:: I'm excited for you.

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