Gerty IV in gerty
- June 1, 2016, 5:01 p.m.
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Castro seemed small behind his desk. Instead of his usual confidant and stiff posture he seemed slumped and tired. Gerty stood back near the door with her ipod in hand. James sat on the sill of the window.
“Really James, you come to me fresh out of college wanting a foot in the door to a promising career and I get this?”
James remained silent accepting his guilt and Gerty politely watched as her plan of departure seemed to be coming together nicely.
Dr Castro drew his attention to the pretty girl who apparently had more than treatment plans in her head. Castro could see the path the current events may take. All his misgivings regarding Gerty came pouring into his mind.
“Well, James if you could possibly handle it would you get Charlotte down here and get this matter talked through? I’d like to have a few words with Gerty in private anyway.”
James was glad for the moment of reprieve from his uncle’s office. He could feel the sweat starting to roll down his spine. Six years of college was rapidly turning into time poorly spent. His only hope was his uncle somehow smoothing things over before the staff got wind of his tryst with Charlotte.
Castro and Gerty shared a long silence before Castro said;
“You know Gerty, if I were a betting man I might lay my money of the notion this problem is really means to an end here.”
Gerty stood in silence with the same angelic smile Castro had seen for over the last two years. If Gerty had a plan she was not quick to present it for discussion.
“You know Dr. Castro I have no desire to get James into trouble. We both know how Charlotte is.”
Castro was surprised by Gerty’s sympathic words and asked,
Well, if that’s the case why take the time to gather this evidence? I don’t quite understand why we are here if you want me to do nothing about James.
Gerty walked over to her usual chair and sat down pulling her legs under her making her seem even smaller and more vunerable.
“Dr. Castro, knowing my treatment and the trauma I’ve experienced don’t you think the hospital is no longer suitable for my continued recovery?”
Before Castro could answer Charlotte and James walked back in the office. Charlotte never was a person who bought into treatment. She went straight to the table and chair by the bookshelves in the far corner of the office. Her disinterest had not faded since her being discovered servicing the staff.
Dr Castro asked,
“Charlotte, are you okay?”
Charlotte recognized the question for what it was. Ridiculous and empty. Nothing more than an olive branch offered as a professional courtesy.
“Oh I am delightful doctor..I find your secondary treatment very invigorating.”
Gerty didn’t care who was in the room at the time she wanted out and had become tired of playing the game.
“I think the best way to resolve the whole thing is to just move to outpatient and let this whole thing be forgotten.”
Charlotte grunted a laugh as said,
“You know Gerty you’re not the only one with a plan. Maybe we should have a little peek at this.”
Charlotte pulled paper out tucked in her shirt and handed it to Dr. Castro. Castro sighed and asked,
“Now what?”
Charlotte showed her teeth with satisfied grin and replied,
“I think it’s time we enjoy a little poetry from our dear Gerty. You know I’m not the only person caring around a secret or two.”
Charlotte got up and walked over to the desk giving herself plenty of room from where Gerty was seated. There was something about her that just was not right. Charlotte would never admit it but Gerty gave her the creeps. Dr. Castro took the paper and started to read to himself.
Mama she promised to sing me her songs
and say that she loved me all my life long
Mama she hugged me and held me so tight
and tucked me in bed as she turned out the light…
Mama she taught me to tell stories in rhyme
we would do this together all of the time
Mama would listen to all that I said
til daddy one night told me Mama was dead
Daddy he told me that Mama was gone
there were new things to do and I must go along
Daddy will not be singing or caring
and what I wished would have little bearing
Daddy forgot just one little thing
I become quite unhappy if Mama can’t sing
so without my Mama I lost all my cares
which Daddy found out when he fell down the stairs
Daddy seemed surprised when woke bent and broken
I looked in his eyes not a word need be spoken
the knife in my hand was all need be said
you mess with my Mama and you end up quite dead
Dr Castro looked to Gerty without a word.
Gerty said,
“Pick your poisen Doctor. It’s either James or me.”
Last updated December 29, 2016
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