Shopped, Built, Planted in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.
- May 28, 2016, 2:23 p.m.
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Went to the hated Sears store to buy weed eater line for my 2cycle weed eater and bought another drill. When I got it home and opened it I realized it wasn’t as high powered as my other one even though the battery size is the same. The batteries aren’t even the same size but the same voltage. Dang! It will work for most of my projects, but am hoping that Dude can help get the other one usable for more than putting in a screw or taking it out.
After Sears, I went to Goodwill to look around. Got a couple of things and then went to Arby’s for an early lunch. Since I didn’t eat breakfast I was starving. Had the chicken salad sandwich which I credit my friend seafarer of introducing me to when she visited last summer. Yum it was good and I thought of her the whole time. Miss you my friend!!
Decided to swing by Lowe’s and ended up getting a bag of Miracle Grow potting soil since it was on sale but only got one bag. Yay me. Bought a bag of sand to use for a couple of pavers that will be another project someday but now I have the sand, so it may actually get started. Went to the plant clearance and picked up 6 packs of marigolds and petunias and will make up a hanging basket and I have another planter that needs a couple more plants added so I should be able to finish up in the next few days and I’m hoping today that will happen.
I finally got the trellis/growing cage done for the zucchini. Pitiful. Not pleased on how it ended up turning out visually, but if it works I’ll get over the shoddy job I did. The wire I used wasn’t long enough to go all the way around so I also used twine to zigzag the front of it. Wasn’t going to do that but realized if I didn’t, the chances of critters getting to the blooms would be pretty high. It still may not stop them, but hopefully make it more work than they want to do to get to them. I planted the tomato plant that A was going to take up to her house and put it in a container that they can take up if they choose. I suspect it will stay down here for me to take care of since they are gone alot with work and sports. It is ok.
I hope to mow today too. It is supposed to have a break in the rain this morning and it will be wet but there is a chance of rain every day for the next week too. Goodness. I hope it doesn’t shut off the valve come the end of the next week and that be it for summer for rain.
I did it. I joined the Amazon book club. Downloaded the 2d book in the series that I read a few days ago but not even going to to look at it until I get things done around here and outside first.
Not sure what is going on with my body this summer but it seems to stay sore all the time. I expected to be sore in the beginning of working outside, but come on body, I’m being pretty constant on working physically every day now. The arthritus in my feet and ankles are really bad and I’m sure the rainy cooler temps are partly to blame but oh my.
Will take Dad to the cemeteries either today or tomorrow. I hate going with anyone, but I’ll do it cause he can’t drive or shouldn’t be driving to where his parents are buried. This rainy weather will be hard on the expensive arrangements people put out, but most are made to hang in there for a while anyway. I bought one for the headstone for Fred and the rest are arrangements for the ground. Grandparents, MIL and FIL, nephews, aunts. Sometimes I think it is just too much. Memorial Day is for our Soldier’s who gave their lives for our freedom. Not sure where I would go with that, so will end this. Please have a good and safe Memorial Day weekend.
Take care and God Bless
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