Periodization. in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.
- May 22, 2016, 10:24 a.m.
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I think I’ve taken full-body workouts as far as I can take them. Great way to regain strength in a hurry, but I clearly need to moderate how much I do per workout. When it’s submaximal, going heavy on five exercises is do-able. When you’re red-lining each exercise? Cumulative fatigue catches up with you. I like being in the gym, so I figure I’ll do a pull/legs/push/cardio/repeat. Should keep me from having my workouts be much longer than an hour.
(Five exercises being bench/row/press/chins/squats or deadz.)
Only had one librium last night, so felt less Energetic Zombie this morning. It’s quite refreshing to only focus on two heavy exercises. (Followed by accessory lifts etc. I AM a gymrat who knows what he’s doing.)
Was in a good mood all day? Gave myself a merit badge for making a phone call. Actually, phone calls where you reach a person aren’t as stressful as when you have to leave a message. Person? You state what you want and they take it from there. I’m capable of humaning. Message? It’s like a 30 second speech. And I ALWAYS have that three-second brain fart where I forget what I’m going to say next. Oh well. I’ve been on the other end of the phone often enough that I know they’ll decipher my TimmySpeak.
Thought I had more to say, but I’ve been bingeing on vegetables all afternoon and totally looking forward to a tuna melt. Determined to drop weight and be healthy. Hard to eat shit if you’re full of broccoli. But tuna melt. TUNA MELT. GET IN MAH BELLY.
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