Sunshine!! in Day to day life from a woman that turned 60 in Oct 2014 and who lives on a farm and Retired on January 2, 2016. I plan to do more sewing, work outside in the yard and just enjoy my retirement.

  • May 18, 2016, 2:12 p.m.
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Was so excited when I got up this morning and it wasn’t raining, showering, or drizzling!! And THEN, the sun appeared. Wonderful sunshine and mild temperatures make for a perfect day. The grass it still wet, but maybe by later this afternoon it will dry enough to mow, and maybe I’ll wait another day to allow the ground to dry a little too. I sometimes leave “tracks” when it’s too wet so unless the urge becomes uncontrollable I will wait to mow. I can, however, weed eat so that is what I’ll do instead, since it needs to be done more than mowing.

First thing I did after J left for work was to make humming bird food. Made 3 quarts and refilled 2 feeders. I now have 5 feeders out. I have 2 clean ones to switch out when the need arises. I think the solar lite feeder will need a refill by this afternoon but won’t switch it out for another feeder as I enjoy the changing colors at night on it.

Fired up the blow torch to burn some grass and weeds in front of the porch. Tried to use it to set fire to a small brush pile, but it was too wet. Duh!

Decided to work on my old water hose and cut it to hopefully eliminate the most annoying kinks and put a new end on it to hook to the faucet. That took me a little time but finally got it done. Dug around in the bucket where the tomato plants keep getting snipped off at the top of the stem and found 3 cut worms. May they rest in peace. Planted another actually double plants back in the bucket and added a little sevin dust to hopefully keep them safe for a bit. If not, then the whole bucket of dirt will be emptied somewhere else and I’ll start over. It has about 1/2 bucket of new vegetable potting soil in it so will not be happy if I have to dump it all out.

Went to the shop and drug out the big roll of chicken wire that I discovered was in there a week or so ago. Haven’t and won’t do anything with it until I get the weed eating done around the retaining blocks where the strawberries and blackberries are homed. Silly Rabbits!! or whatever it is, but pretty sure it is rabbits since there is nothing left of the eaten strawberries. Blah!!

So I came inside to make a sandwich (egg salad) and get something to drink (koolaid) and since my “lunch” break is over, I will return to bask in the sun and enjoy the great outdoors and roll up the 2 pieces of water hose in anticipation of not needing to water for a few days and to ready the yard for weed eating and mowing and maybe get some things planted.

Going to shy away from the phone today as I’m afraid I will be requested to do something, I have no desire or patience to do. Avoidance will work for awhile and then honesty will have to come into real world time.

Take care and God Bless

Last updated May 18, 2016

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