Lots of complaints. in Musings

  • May 9, 2016, 12:11 p.m.
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Things have been rough lately. The main issue is that Nathan’s work isn’t doing so well so they are cutting back everyone’s hours. As if money wasn’t tight enough already. He’s looking into new jobs now, but who knows what he will find. The market is not great right now. Especially not in our town. I would be willing to move for sure, but it would be hard with the new baby coming to not have any help from family.

Speaking of family, Nathan’s parents are moving 3 hours away. I’m happy for them. His dad’s job has been terrible for a while now and he gets to be a pastor for the first time! (He was previously a music minister) I’m sad for us though. Mostly for Leah. She’s so attached to her grandparents. She’s seen them at least once a week since she’s been born. So it will be a huge adjustment. And of course I’ll miss the time they babysit for me so that I can get work done. Plus it’s just nice having them around and we won’t get to see Nathans siblings as much now either.

Leah caught a stomach bug on Thursday. She was up all night throwing up. Then Friday and Saturday she ran a fever all day. On Saturday she hardly wanted to eat or drink anything. It was scary. Sunday she ate some. But she didn’t want to do anything. She slept on and off all day. Then right after we sent her to bed for the night she threw up again. Then she woke up on and off all night long. So today she is still so grumpy and tired and not herself. I hate it and I wish I knew what to do for her. If this is still going on tomorrow I think I’ll have to take her to the doctor.

My next appointment is Wednesday and I’ll do my diabetes test. I’m hoping I don’t have it this time. I’m only 28 weeks but I already feel so huge and uncomfortable. I’m also pretty convinced I have anemia and I keep forgetting to take my iron supplements. We already have an ultrasound scheduled for the 25th to get a better look at baby girl’s kidneys. I hope that turns out well. We didn’t do genetic testing this time so I’m scared of anything being wrong with her. But everything else looked good at the last ultrasound so hopefully she’s ok.

We were supposed to get our tax refund back weeks ago but never did. Nathan finally called and they said one of the forms was filled out incorrectly and they are sending it in the mail and then we have to turn that back in and then wait for the return. We were probably just going to use it pay into my loan. I’m getting close to defaulting on it because we just don’t have an extra $150 a month to pay it. Sigh. Life is so expensive.

Sorry this was so depressing. I just needed to write out some of this crap. I know overall things could be worse. I have a family who loves me and that’s what really matters. I just wish money wasn’t a constant worry and stress. I’m over it :(

Last updated May 09, 2016

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