Somewhat productive in Stuff
- April 23, 2016, 6:19 p.m.
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It was a busy shift today, as it always is on a Saturday. I clocked off with three cages still to do, but meh, fuck it.
I was actually ready to smack a customer’s face through the wall today lol. Just constant, CONSTANT questions, a lot of them stupid ones (surprise surprise) and, couple that with me being sick and moody, I was imagining a few faces being morphed into punching bags by the time the afternoon rolled around.
But… I put on that ultra sincere retail-smile :P and helped customers as best I could. It was just so constant today with the questions that it was really taking up my time to get all my tasks completed, which clearly I didn’t manage to do.
It didn’t help that the chick I work with went home sick. Granted, she is sick, but I don’t think it’s much more than I am. We both think it must’ve been a customer that gave it to us, considering we’re both dying at the same time. She took off pretty much two weeks, whereas I just had the three days off. Or was it four? I can’t remember. Four I think.
I feel like I can breathe a little better. A little. It still sucks though.
And of COURSE Nick has a group of his friends over, like he usually does on a Saturday night, so I’m (once again) hiding away in my room with my container of pasta salad (left-overs) and a drink, trying to avoid anyone seeing me. I already feel horrible that they can clearly hear me coughing away. Gaah, #housemateproblems
I’ve drawn my blinds so more people rocking up can’t just look in the window at my laying in my underwear on my bed.
My housemate isn’t a very considerate friend to them sometimes. Like they’ll be waiting right outside the door and he won’t even know they are there because he has his music too loud to hear either the knock on the door OR his phone ringing, so a lot of the time, I’m the one who let’s them in, and they go upstairs and next thing I hear my housemate say ‘How did you get in?’ ^rolls eyes^ (Too bad if he’s naked up there LOL.)
I mean, they are RIGHT THERE and I can hear them and usually see them arrive through the blinds, and I’m not just gonna leave them standing there awkwardly because my housemate’s too useless to go grab them.
I did today though. Usually I don’t care about answering the door in my underwear, but right now I’m not in the mood to. I’ve lost 5 fucking kilos from this sickness, remember!
I will need to venture out to the kitchen though to grab my bottle of Ricodine, which I stupidly forgot in the cupboard. They’d better not be using it with their booze. I think the old housemate (Ayden) would have done that rather than this one.
I was automatically labelled a junkie (by association) by Brisbane’s gay community (so I found out) just because that fucker was my housemate dealing drugs out of the house. Ohh even that was a while ago now.
I’ve been so MIA lately that my barely existent social life is itself gasping for it’s last breath of air. Maybe people have just written me off as having the plague and to stay away from this gay.
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