89.5 in Stuff

  • April 13, 2016, 9:36 a.m.
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Geeeez. I cleaned my room today (Yay space!) and decided to check myself on the scales I have in my room.

That means that I have lost 5kg in these two weeks I’ve been feeling like a zombie. That’s gonna take forever to put back on :( ^sigh^

I don’t know. 89kg was always an ‘okay’ goal weight for me back when I was 70kg and a rake with my 191cm frame. But I haven’t been below the 90kg mark in well over a year now. Maybe even a year and a half? I can’t remember. This sickness better not take any more weight from me or I’ll scream.
I need to get my arms back to looking how they were. I’m pretty sure my abs are fine. Coughing non-stop for a week has covered those lol, not that they’re visible or anything but hey this weight has come off somewhere!

I literally gasped when I saw the scales. I know I’ve written that I was getting a little scared at my scales creeping up higher into the 90’s (because I did not want to hit 3-figures), so maybe it’s not such a bad thing that I’m currently 89.5kg. I’m just unsure on what weight I am content with for my height. I sort of feel like (for me personally) it’s around what it is now, but maybe the lower end of it, wheras pre-sickness I was teetering on a higher-end of it. Man, I’m being picky, aren’t I?
I’m allowed to be. I’m sick.

I think the pills are starting to kick in. I’m on my third day and my coughing is more frequent and disgusting and I’m having to run to the bathroom every so often to clear it. Charming, right? It’s just so weird for me to get sick in Autumn. Spring, yes. Winter, sometimes, but I’m pretty sure this is a rarity for this time of year. I think there is something going around. I am seeing a few others whinging on Facebook about how sick they are. I’m not doing that. I’m just being an annoying bitch here, because I’m allowed to be :)

I’m getting my groceries delivered again today - taking advantage of the free delivery Wednesday thingy, and also because I still don’t think I’m well enough to go down and lug all my groceries home like I do when I’m not a corpse with the plague. I have to climb a huge set of stairs each time and I’m usually gasping for breath when I reach the top, so I can guarantee being sick that I wouldn’t even make it up lol.
I’m listening out for the truck, because the website tracker tells me it’ll be arriving between 4:50 and 5:20pm, and it’s getting close to that. Just so much easier and convenient for me right now.

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