$14.95 in Vulnerability

  • April 11, 2016, 1:57 a.m.
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That’s how much my prescription cost me, and that’s for the more pricey brand. They gave me the option of the $10 generic, but I want this thing to fuck right off!

I was in and out of the docs in probably less than 2 minutes, if that. He took my temperature via my ear (which was fine) and then he used his stethoscope to check my breathing. I coughed a couple of times on the big inhale. I knew I would.
He told me there was definitely “A rattle” when I breathed in some parts and printed off a prescription for me.

I went back to the counter to pay and the secretary told me it was all good.
Woohoo, bulk-billed!!!
I’m near-sure I had to pay the gap last time I was in, but that was quite a while ago. Great to know my doctor has started bulk-billing, but there is a notice on the front desk that states it only applies to appointments less than 10 minutes duration. Fair enough.
I just wanted drugs. I got drugs.
I’m prescribed Augmentin Duo Forte (I’m making note of it here for future reference). There’s 10 in the packet and I have to take them twice a day. I have one repeat prescription, so basically 5 days per packet, 10 days til my course will be finished and HOPEFULLY I can move on with my life and stop bitching in every single entry lately.

Man, this pills are HUGE though. I have trouble swallowing big tablets and even avoid buying capsules when buying something as simple as Panadol or Nurofen. I usually go for the Nurofen tablets because I know they are small, or even the mini-tabs if available. No choice this time. These tablets are like the size of two of my thumbnails put together. I managed to get the first one down, somehow.
I literally imagined that it was a hot guy I know’s dick. And yes I know dicks are way better than that (I’d hope!) but I needed something to get me over the edge.

Hey, whatever works :P

Last updated April 11, 2016

cazoob April 10, 2016

Hopefully the antibiotics work quickly x

whowhatwhere April 10, 2016

YAY! I hope it starts working right away.
A few years back I had strep throat and they prescribed pills like that. I could hardly swallow period and they wanted me to down THAT thing? Who comes up with those ideas? Don't pill makers get sick?
I made my husband call in and tell them there was no way I could do it so I ended up with a super yummy liquid that had to stay nice and cold in the fridge. So much better to swallow...

KissOfLife! whowhatwhere ⋅ April 10, 2016

Ooooo I can get this in liquid form?? yes please! I didn't know that was a possibility. I'll ask when I go for the repeat haha.

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