Fever dreams of pirates and racists in Sometimes I feel dead inside

  • Dec. 27, 2013, 9:44 p.m.
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I've had flu like symptoms all weekend. Randomly sleeping and waking to confusion. I couldn't remember what day it was or what had actually happened. But there were a lot of messed up dreams. I couldn't remember if I had actually gone out or just dreamed it. Turns out I didn't go out. I don't even remember the texting session that happened. I had to check my phone to see if it actually occurred. its crazy when this happens, i couldn't tell you what was real and what wasn't. its weird when the world is feeling like its being edged out more and more by the dream world. like it could just slip away and the crazy dreams would become reality. i would wake up on that pirate ship full of racists and that would be my life. would i accept it like my current waking life was the dream? just a vivid dream that never happened? would i become a different person? would the person i am slowly wear off as the day in my new pirate life or old pirate life took over? would i try to wake up from a life that i barely knew?

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