it's not in poetry
- April 8, 2016, 1:16 p.m.
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- Public
of course it’s not adam and steve
it’s adam and stephen
what kind of self-respecting gay dude
would call himself “steve”
adam and stephen’s wedding would be lovely
I would be honoured to be the officiant
at the marriage of adam and stephen
as long as they don’t mind that my
ordination would be through the church of the subgenius
and I’d be legally referred to as
“The Reverend Doctor Big Tasty”
Reverend Tasty would be honoured
to pronounce you adam and stephen
but steve, man
gay dudes don’t tend to do the over-macho one-syllable thing
unless they’re super bears or leather daddies or something
then it wouldn’t be adam and steve
it’d be like hacksaw and steve
and you know what?
Reverend Tasty would be happy to marry them too
Last updated April 08, 2016
Squidobarnez ⋅ April 09, 2016