april fools in poetry

  • March 28, 2016, 10:04 p.m.
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  • Public

all the very best and worst
most devoted drinkers I know
refuse to drink on St. Patricks Day
they call it a rolling shit-show
it’s just amateur hour they say
it’s no fun at the overcrowded bars
not even worth a true drinker’s trouble
then of course they add
New Years Eve is the same except double

I’ve never been much of a drinker
a mic or a pen is a bit more my tool
but as an overtrained writer of jests
I feel how they feel
about April Fools

is there any damned day
where a joke’s more expected
when pranks are anticipated and ruined
when strange news is out-of-hand rejected
is there any damned day
when making stuff up is less cool
less surprising
less effective?
man, fuck April Fools

a joke that’s on
some random Thursday
is so much better you know
not April Fools
amateur hour and shit-show

and Christ,
don’t even go on internet news sites

Narrator March 28, 2016


Squidobarnez March 28, 2016

amen, man.


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