Three Weekends in a Row in The Past

  • March 27, 2016, 12:06 a.m.
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I’ve been tortured by a good looking, if mouthy man, and his cute, and energetic son for three weekends in the row.

Two weeks ago, we spent a weekend in a local hotel as a staycation. I needed some time away from the family and from life in general, so I dragged Nate and Monkey to the hotel… it was a lot of fun, we (they) swam in the pool, and watched movies and played video games. We had a lot of good food… but oh my freakin god – kids are so damned energetic and after two and a half days, I was ready to either murder Monkey, or at least hide from the world.

I suffered through work for the week (It wasn’t actually all that bad, but suffering sounds good and all) and thought that I’d be able to spend the weekend relaxing and whatnot, but Nate reminded me that it was Monkey’s 6th birthday last Saturday… so I spent last Saturday and Sunday with them at their house. The party was good… I ended up getting into a fight with Nate on Friday and it was a pretty bad fight, bad enough that I wasn’t sure if he wanted me at Monkey’s birthday any longer. I went to their home on Friday so we could talk it out. We did, which is one of the things that I love about our relationship – we talk things out like adults (for the most part) and the party was fun. We got to meet some of Monkey’s class mates and their parents, Nate got to make new friends, I got to shoot kids with nerf guns.... fun for all. Sunday I escaped after Nate’s Mom started talking crazy (She went from “would you like me to help repay you for the cost of the kid’s Bday party” to “I don’t know if my kids like me” to “I wish I was the one who died and not Nate’s dad…blah blah) Yeeaaah.... She didn’t just mention that and be done with it… 15 minutes of talking about how much she knew she should have been the one who died and whatnot. I just… yeah. I didn’t know what to say to that.

This whole week I’ve decided that I was going to spend this weekend relaxing at home and working on buttons and the like. Yesterday I got a message from Nate and his Mom asking if I’d like to spend the weekend in the hotel again, on Nate’s Mother’s dime. Nate’s psudo-step-father goes nuts around the holidays, so with this being Easter weekend, we decided not to let Monkey and Nate stay in that toxic environment. And oh my god… Monkey’s even more torturious this time around than he was two weeks ago. It’s just… gaaaaaah. He’s asleep now, thankfully, I’m just too damned tired to deal with this stuff. >.< Next weekend I’m totally going to spend doing my own thing.

I do love these guys, but it’s too damned tiring.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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