You have a point in Every day scata

  • March 25, 2016, noon
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  • Public

Dear “deleted user” who said… I am in dent up to my eye balls, and I have a baby coming in 12 weeks. I would never beg online. Who even know if you’re telling the truth?

I don’t know why this is allowed on here.”

While I do understand your point, you, my dear, are not in my shoes.

Do you think I like begging for money? I don’t. I am still working, albeit part time at the moment due to my fucking back. I am hopefully starting a new job within the next few weeks but it will still not be enough to cover some of my meds due to the deductable.

I have been taking only half the dose that I’m supposed to take so I can hoard my meds and make them stretch.

one of my meds cost over 700 dollars. price of Saphris . This is an anti psychotic. It keeps me out of the hospital.

I understand your trepidation. People lie. I get that. Hell. One of my friends (long story won’t get into it) got taken for all she had because of someone taking advantage of her and the situation. It was horrible.

So take a moment and step into my shoes. Hell, seeing that you are in “dent” up to your eyeballs, maybe you should start a gofundme.

I wish you All the best in the world,


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