Post from March 22 in Every day scata

  • March 24, 2016, 5:36 a.m.
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*Trigger Terrorism**
I am deeply saddened again by the news today. While I’m not directly affected by this latest tragedy, I feel things deeply (don’t all of us?) being an empath. My heart aches, my head spins. I cannot stop reading updates, getting a little obsessed about it.

My cousin in Canada posted something a bit polarizing and I had to put my two cents in. I was surprised by his words, because he seems very liberal to me (we’ve never met, he found me here on fb.) but I also understand the frustration he is feeling. And he probably feels it more so having friends and relatives overseas.

And who knows when they’ll do it again here on our grounds? :sigh: It’s sad that we all live with possible devastation hanging over our heads.

I look at the videos posted from people that were caught in the melee. I wonder what my reaction would be if I were to survive. Working in healthcare all my life, I would like to think that I would stop and help people…but the panic… would I be that brave? It bothers me that I don’t really know the answer. I sit here and cry because of it. I know it’s not rational, to think like this, but my thought process always turns this way when terror attacks happen.

I’ve basically been up for 48 hours. I think I slept for about an hour or maybe two. I think I fell asleep around 10pm. Up at midnight. So yeah, my thought process is going to be … different. Well, it’s always different, isn’t it?
Well that was quite the ramble. I’m going to stop now.

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