It's been awhile in In the Kingdom of Suzu
- March 20, 2016, 8:13 a.m.
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Didn’t realize it was over a month since I last wrote. I have been such a slacker, have read favs but didn’t note much, don’t really know why.
Had a second fat grafting surgery a week Friday and was home all this past week. I go back to work tomorrow, in some ways I am ready and in other ways, wish I could stay home longer altho there is no reason for me to stay out longer.
This time around I can really see a difference, not sure if I will need another one or not. If I do another one, will wait until the fall as even now, this binder that I need to wear for several weeks is itching and woke me up during the night. The doctor said that the hard part is at the sides of the breast where there is a dip. He described it to building a box from the sides up. We will see as the weeks go by and things settle into place. If I don’t have another fat grafting, the next step will be attaching the nipples which is done out patient and recovery time is one day and then tattooing the aereola done in the office. It is possible I could finally be done with this by the end of the year, ot the beginning of the following year. Actually, there is no time limit, all depends on me.
Hope to get our taxes done this week but probably won’t mail until closer to deadline, just my thing which drives Jeff crazy.
Snow was predicted for today but nothing, so I guess they changed their minds, was only supposed to be more of a nuisance snow anyway. Happy spring!
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