Big Excitement...Not in Everyday Ramblings
- March 17, 2016, 12:25 p.m.
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The tulip trees (that is what we call them here) are blooming and after 21 straight days of rain the sun is out and the ground (in patches) is dry! It is gorgeous and there is a bunch of happy people stumbling about half blinded.
Saint Joe has the day off and in an act of largesse Nimrod is allowing me to work from home, as it will be quite busy later. Yesterday I was in the office listening to travel arrangements being made for a couple of my coworkers to a conference in Denver in a few weeks. We have been told, quite clearly that there is absolutely no money in the budget for literally anything other than what we have. But both members of the team we sit with are going to a conference together for three days. Fancy that.
I hope this makes them happy. I very much would prefer to work with happy people.
They certainly enjoyed the heck out of standing two feet away from me talking about the impending trip yesterday. Nimrod says the fact that they get to go and we can’t even get, um, you know, oh say our in house support team to answer our emails is political. You think?
Speaking of political, the most chilling thing I have read recently about Donald Trump is a quote in the New York Times from his Florida butler…” Mr. Senecal’s admiration for his longtime boss seems to know few limits. On March 6, as Mr. Trump made his way through the living room on his way to the golf course, Mr. Senecal called out “All rise!” to the club members and staff. They rose.
Mr. Trump was wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap. It was white, not red. He seemed in a good mood.”
There is a new book out about Russia Putin Country: A Journey Into the Real Russia by the former NPR reporter Anne Garrels and in particular it is about the time that Putin has been in charge of the country and how in spite of the many terrifying aspects of his leadership many people feel that he is the right leader for them. Because he helps them feel pride in being who they are after so many difficult years since the chaotic fall of the Soviet Union.
Eek. Serious eek.
Anne Garrels has lung cancer. That is so sad.
Diego asks “Why be sad or scared or annoyed mom? There are patches of sun to curl up in all over the place!” He is turning into quite the snuggle bunny. His nipping is getting better too, though we still need to work on the long reach of those claws. He still conflates love with play but progress is being made.
He has turned into a pillow hog though. Grrr.
My dentist switched the appointment I had for tomorrow to this afternoon and then the class on the Bhagavad Gita starts tonight. Fingers crossed that it is engaging. One of my students is also coming so there will be a friendly face there.
And then I have tomorrow off! Marvelous. I am going to get up and feed the cats and then go back to bed.
I am so exciting aren’t I?
Last updated March 17, 2016
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