Holiday Edition in Secrets from myself
- Dec. 25, 2013, 1:53 a.m.
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At some point I end up feeling the Christmas spirit. Usually it's about now. I either have made some preparations or I haven't, and either way it's ok. Whatever happens now will be this year's Christmas and I'm grateful.
I have a few cards, a few presents, some food. No tree, no lights, no homemade goodies.
The pinata is still lying in the back seat of the Buick - its stuffing is in various sacks in the closet. We will either have it tomorrow afternoon or Thursday evening It depends. My sisterinlaw won't be here tomorrow but the rest of the festive group will be here.
Since I gave up wheat and sugar I no longer even pretend to bake. I bought candy for other people to eat. And I have peanuts and walnuts. And a hammer. Both the peanuts and walnuts are in their shells.
I haven't really thought what I'll cook tomorrow. I have thawed ground beef and a pretty big chunk of ham and a bunch of frozen pork center cuts. I have fruit and vegetables and salad stuff - and a package of stove top stuffing that I don't plan to use.
I have my granddog who enjoys farm freedom. He goes in and out many times. He just came in covered with fresh white snowflakes. He gets to sleep on the sofa is he wants to. He and Gracie, the big yellow dog, are learning how to accept each other better. No blood, though it's early in the visit.
I go back to work on Thursday. I have my bad harness still hanging on the rack. I'm supposed to do something else though and then go back to my bad one and figure out what's wrong and how to fix it. I will need to be wished luck. But that's not until after Christmas.
First comes Christmas. Let's wish each other luck and goodness for that day too. And peace. And warmth.
Merry Christmas...
Gangleri ⋅ December 25, 2013
I enjoy lights, but haven't gotten in quite a while.
Lady of the Bann ⋅ December 25, 2013
Christmas always seem built up to more than it is. With a 5 year-old in the house it is more special. Tracking where Santa is and the excitement of her opening presents.
Deleted user ⋅ December 26, 2013
Merry Christmas!! Yeah baking without wheat and sugar... Useless. Have you noticed any benefits of being off wheat and sugar? If not, what are your own reasons for sticking with it? I'm so impressed by your commitment to this. I've fallen off the wagon so badly! Anyway, wish you happiness and health for Christmas and onwards!
woman in the moon Deleted user ⋅ December 26, 2013
I don't have a good scale and I have not been exercising so even without wheat or sugar I'm probably gaining a little weight but I am still in my jeans which is satisfying to me. The only benefit from giving up wheat, sugar, soda and don't forget gum! is that I have fewer choices to make. And I do not gain (much) weight. I don't find it hard at all not to eat those things. I just eat things I can eat, corn chips, salsa, popcorn, oatmeal, vegetables, meat, cheese and low fat milk and probably too much fruit. Anywhere I eat from potlucks to convenience stores have some of the things I can eat. I truly don't think it matters what we eat. Not much anyway.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ January 02, 2014
You're back to work tomorrow. Let me wish you luck with that harness. Aren't they going to tell you what the problem is/was? Or is that part of the learning process. It's too much like a test for the first work day of the year.
I'm going to be trying to fit a week's worth of teaching work into the next four days. I've just had a holiday. I feel like I can do anything.
woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ January 02, 2014
Amanda fixed it for me. She said I had the head loaded wrong - she said the light isn't very good over there. I really pretty much enjoy the work. It's like doing puzzles and doing crafts but you get paid for it. There is also possible ways to do things better.. all the time. My old job was that way = KG and Walmart was too. I somehow like doing better. Silly me, again.