Jasmine on the Flower Clock in Everyday Ramblings
- March 16, 2016, 2:25 a.m.
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We should start seeing the first early irises soon. There is a most chattered about rumor going around that we might get a three-day break in the rain starting tomorrow sometime. Saint Joe is taking Thursday off to celebrate as is one of my students, (who insisted I ride with her most of the way to class last night, she so owes me 2,000 steps…)
I am taking Friday off because I have a morning dental appointment, one of my bone graft membranes fell out on Friday and I am not sure if they are going to replace it. I want to have the option to chill if I need to after that.
The tone at work these days is dark and constricted. It never has been a happy cheerful place but it certainly is not that now. They are talking about the possibility of moving Joe and me in April. Right now we are smack in the middle of everything and everyone in shared cubes that face away from each other. I find it almost unbearable to be there.
Everything, every word I say is monitored by the Evil Empire, it is almost as if I were an open-minded liberal that had been dropped against her will into the middle of a Donald Trump rally. It is a hostile environment.
I was told recently that I was purposely put there by a former manager to make me “get along” with the currently most visible member of the group that has no problem lying, scheming, manipulating, When she wants something or is being “nice: she talks in this peculiar little girl voice that I admit drives me completely bonkers.
Most of the time I can deal. I don’t think about it all too much and certainly when I am off work I am mostly able to let this go but it is torturous when I am there as I am over-sensitized and it is really easy for other people to say, “Whoa, Noko is being paranoid!” I am not being paranoid. You are just going to need to take this on faith. :)
Anyway if we get moved to a place where we have some modicum of privacy and are able to speak freely to each other (instant messaging has its limitations) it will be such a huge huge relief.
The cats have been particularly interested in what I am doing lately and the other day Carlo all la de da hopped into the shower with me, and then scrambled as fast as he could to get out! I laughed at the poor guy, I admit it, but I was also very relieved not to have sustained any damage in the process. I think he has forgiven me. If he is harboring a grudge it is not apparent.
Unlike previous cats I have lived with, these two are not having any trouble with the time change at all. They take cues off of me, not the light or dark or their own rhythms.
I however, in spite of planning for it from a yogic perspective, am struggling. I did not want to get up this morning!
In my sort of annual energetic pattern, the Ides of March usually marks a low point in energy and attitude that improves steadily and holds true until the 4th of July.
Oh man, bring it on!
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