February 24, 2016 I LOVE M-B in February 2016
- Feb. 24, 2016, 5:21 p.m.
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And MB is Mercedes-Benz! My little Smart car will be home tomorrow and the back is fixed and the State Inspection is done.
All I have to pay is–are you ready for this?– $13.60 and that is for the state inspection. Because the car is still under warranty, I was charged not a penny for fixing the back!!! I was prepared to pay a lot because that is usually what happens when a car goes back to the dealers. It is such a relief that I don’t have to pay it.
The only bad thing about all this is that I didn’t get a chance to drive the Huge Red Mercedes they left for me this morning. Which, in a way, is a relief. Since I have to go out tomorrow afternoon, I was going to drive it then but really it is SO much bigger than my Smart car that there was a little anxiety–but not much because of the Celexa– when I thought of driving it!
Now in the more serious news, my ex-husband is not doing well. You may remember he had cancer in the lung that was removed and also a rib was taken out. Apparently he also has emphysema in the other lung. {He has been a very heavy smoker from an early age.} Also, Nick told Jake that his dan has had five bags of blood transfused so far but no one is mentioning why. They are trying to get him sent to a rehab place in Hattiesburg which will make things much easier for Nick, my older son, to see him often without taking so much time off work since Nick lives in Laurel but works in Hattiesburg.
Judy called me and asked if she could come tomorrow to clean rather than today because apparently we are under a tornado watch and she was worried about leaving her little dog and Bella the Cat alone. I said that was no problem, of course, so she will be over tomorrow if the weather improves. We had rain all morning and now there is thunder and the wind has risen a bit. I think this is going to pass us by but I can see why she doesn’t want to leave her pets.
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