Today: Politics and Other in BookThree: Flight Log 2016

  • Feb. 21, 2016, 4:50 p.m.
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Posted this on Facebook… lets see what kind of trouble I get into:

“I often announce that I am politically an Independent. Because, frankly, the parties currently do not represent me ONE iota. That being said… here’s a defined political stance:

I believe in Government Spending. Turning everything private can (does and will) have disastrous consequences. HOWEVER, I believe in RESPONSIBLE government spending. If we refuse to spend wisely, it is no better an outcome than not spending at all.”

And honestly… why is that so difficult for (some? many?) Americans to reconcile? IF Government Spending is going to sweetheart tax deals/incentives for Wal Mart and Rx Companies and Telecom Monopolies… that is some bullshit government financial crap. BUT the fact that 40% of all Interstate Roads and Bridges have FAILED recent inspections? That is something that should get spending support.

Or… lets discuss it as follows… a full time teacher should be paid more than $30k a year and she shouldn’t be required to spend her own money on classroom supplies.... but that doesn’t happen because “Boo Government Spending. Meanwhile, Congress is filled with millionaires bitching about paying for things. BTW… richest member of Congress? Texas Senator worth $220 million. That’s just reported personal finances… not including “gifts, spouse and household.”

So… that’s me. When funding for Education, Infrastructure, Police, Child Protective Services, Mental Health Facilities, and the like are cut (or as the case in some places: eliminated) but major pork barrel spending passes to make sure “Campaign Contributions don’t dry up”.... I take great issue. And worry about an American Public that does not take issue… that says “Government as usual, what’re you gonna do?”

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We talk about certain elements of fashion and gender and the like here and I’ve seen a number of posts on Social Media trying to shame large groups of people for certain wardrobe choices.... which is stupid. Every person should use a balancing rubric of some kind… the one I like is

(1) What do I like wearing?
(2) What feels comfortable?
(3) What fits?
(4) What looks good?
(5) Is it appropriate for the situations I expect? (is it professional enough for a meeting or ‘junky’ enough for painting)

NOTE: It does (as I think all rubrics should) consider APPROPRIATENESS of outfit to day and it DOES consider whether the outfit fits. And I would negatively judge individuals that openly ignore elements like that. If you show up to court wearing a $78k Ball Gown… I’m going to think you’re crazy. If you show up to court wearing bright yellow bike shorts… I’m going to think you’re crazy. Appropriateness is huge. Likewise… if you are a size 18 but demand to wear your favorite size 6 top.... (1) HOW is that comfortable for you? and (2) WHY do that to yourself? I’ll admit, I wear some shirts that are starting to feel tighter than I’d prefer… but (because my Wife works at Wal Mart and “people of Wal Mart” is very VERY real) I’ve seen some truly incomprehensible choices IRL. I won’t even pick on overweight (because that happens too often in our world). GIRLS and/or CLUB AGE WOMEN: if the majority of your ass can be seen while you’re standing… the skirt isn’t the right size! I get it, you want to be sexy and all that at the club or whatever.... but seriously… wearing clothes well is far sexier than wearing clothes too small to expose yourself.

ALL OF THAT BEING SAID though.... there are three trends in Social Media that are stupid as hell.
(1) “Fat women shouldn’t wear X, Y, Z.” Honestly… that’s stupid. Clothing is about fit, yes, but size shouldn’t dictate what you can wear. If it fits, you like it, and you think you look good in it… enjoy it! Don’t ever let somebody else say your body type is REQUIRED to wear specific garments.
(2) “Real Women… Real Men....” That’s dumb as hell. With the possible exception of “Real Men don’t hit women”… trying to shame anyone by gender is ridiculous. Some of the best mechanically inclined people I know are women. Some of the most emotionally sensitive people I know are men. Some of the most athletic women I know look “too heavy” or “too skinny”. So… real women have curves; or real women have breasts; or if you can’t fix a car, you shouldn’t have a beard; or any of that shit on social media? Just… cut it out.
(3) Age Based Outfit Shaming. This one I still get stuck on because… I admit… I went to High School where there was a DEFINITE split in the middle. Half of the girls wanted to look 30; half wanted to look 10. And I’m sitting there thinking, “You’re 15… be 15”… but I also understand how that was difficult back then and has gotten even more difficult now. What I would say… “if you’re under 19; don’t dress like you’re going clubbing. You can’t/shouldn’t legally get in, so stop it.” but with that possible exception… fuck “age restrictions” on clothes. I have seen some 50 year old women absolutely ROCK the “late twenties/early 30s” demographic targeted looks. And, truly, I’ve seen some 20 year olds do the “50+” clothing options and look stunning. Age restrictions on clothing should (arguably, controversially) only apply to minors.

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