Soon in Stuff
- Feb. 13, 2016, 12:46 p.m.
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I only had one customer ask me where the nuts had gone today, surprisingly. Today was a really good day, compared to yesterday. I guess that’s the life of retail. Usually most days are pretty good. It’s just the days the grocery manager is in that are hell. I’m just going to start ignoring her soon. I had a thought today that she’s literally that lazy that she wouldn’t even be bothered warning me for ignoring her instructions. That was a big thing back when I was young and starting out with the company, but now that I’m in my 30’s, I reckon if that ever happened, I’d say it straight to her face that I don’t care :P
Respect needs to be earned with me, and no work ethic gets none of that.
So yeah, today was good. We have a relief store manager and he made some small-talk with me today, which he hasn’t really the last few days, so that was nice. He said to me, “I understand you used to be a longlife manager.”
I had to laugh and said, “No, I’ve never been longlife manager, just a perishables manager.” My current store used to have a Perishables Manager position but that role no longer exists and has been combined into the longlife manager role. The bigger stores obviously still have them but ours manages without it. The old Perishables manager role at my store was a complete bludge, really. Now that it’s combined, it’s a lot of work for one person to do alone, but thankfully I had a little bit of help today and I was thrilled when I not only got everything done, but had time to fix shit up a bit as well. That’s bloody rare!
So yeah, a much better day than the last two days. Granted, I was tired as fuck on Thursday especially, and I’d been awake since 11pm since I fell asleep as soon as I got home Friday so I just stayed awake until I had to start work at 6:30am. I even went to gym and did a much needed awesome workout. i was hoping I’d have the gym to myself so early on a Saturday (around 5am), but no such luck. There was a pride of tatted-up breeders grunting away whilst I looked like Olivia Newton-John in her “Physical” music video. Thankfully they eventually left, and I did get the gym to myself for probably the last half hour, where I felt much more comfortable using the free-weights area. I want to get back into using the free weights more, but it’s usually always taken up by said-grunters. A few years ago is when my arms looked really good and I know it was mostly as a result of a steady-use of the free-weights over the machines, so I want to give it another go.
My leave still hasn’t been approved. I have no idea if the Inventory manager is even back from his holidays, as he has to approve it. The date is coming up fast and I haven’t booked my accommodation yet, which is scary because it’s Mardi Gras and places fill up fast. But there’s no point booking it until I’m sure I can go. If I can’t go, it’s not really the end of the world. I’ve been to so many of these. It’s just kind of exciting that there’s finally some momentum in this country toward same-sex marriage, and the whole parade will have a different connotation between when it was illegal and when it’s made legal. That’s just how I think of it.
Then again there’s still people out there, like that Victorian MP, who, during the week, decided to say that same-sex marriage is no different to ‘Two rams going at it in a paddock.’
^sighs^ Do they really get joy out of saying pathetic shit like this?
FFS people, stop voting these wankers into parliament!!!
Thankfully, the ‘numbers’ say there is a majority of support for same-sex marriage, and if there was a vote today, it’d pass. Unfortunately the Liberals are stalling with this fucking expensive plebiscite idea at the next election, just so the homophobe’s and Christian’s like my father can put a smug ‘No’ vote on their plebiscite/ballot-form when they go to vote.
I’m looking forward to my vote cancelling out his. It should be an interesting result by the end of the year. And it makes me happy that the government can’t stall on this forever.
So yeah, in all the years I’ve been attending Mardi Gras, it’s been about wanting equality and pride.
It would be amazing to instead soon see it as a celebration where LGBT people of Australia feel included.
I can tell you that me being gay growing up in a rural area was fucking hard. Really fucking hard. I had to stay quiet for so many years and I didn’t dare mention it. Even now, my ol’ home town is still a bit backward-hick. It would be great for gay marriage to be legal so that youth don’t have to have these feelings and then question, “So… if I feel like this, why is it illegal?”
I just watched the clip of Obama on Ellen. This was really sweet.
~Octopussy~ ⋅ February 13, 2016
kmh. ⋅ February 14, 2016
Hope your leave gets approved! You've already booked the flights haven't you? lol
KissOfLife! kmh. ⋅ February 14, 2016
Haha yes but not the accom!
kmh. KissOfLife! ⋅ February 14, 2016
Oh well, I guess you'll just have to find a cutie to shack up with then. Perhaps not one as clingy as the weirdo last year was lol
KissOfLife! kmh. ⋅ February 15, 2016
LOL I can't believe you remember that :P