2/11 in 2016

  • Feb. 12, 2016, 12:49 a.m.
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so this is how my semester is going so far: during the week i clock about 20 hours (in 4 days) for both of my internships. when i’m not doing those, i’m either in class, doing homework, or sleeping. then on the weekends i work around 20 hours (in 3 days) and i try to hang out with cole, amanda, or jenna too. so i never have a day off and my room is a fucking mess. i’m not going to have a day off until spring break, which is still over a month away.

but i will say this: i’m learning a lot. my internships will look great on my resume. and that’s what really matters, i guess. and today while i was observing a counseling session between my supervisor and a heroin addict who had just finished rehab for the nth time and was talking about her life - i realized it was exactly what i wanted to do. her story almost made me cry. but i really really wanna help people. and i think i’m on the right track. as for my other internship - it’s very valuable experience but i don’t think i will ever be able to handle working with kids for a living. but i am handling it way better than i thought i would.

i’m very excited for spring break and the cruise. i got my passport in the mail and i made a packing list. the last trip i went on was when tiffany and i went to chicago in 2014 and before that was florida in 2013. i hardly ever go on vacations so i always get extra excited for them. now if only the month of february could speed up a little…

i promised myself that i was going to diet and exercise to prepare for my cruise. but here i am, eating a burrito as big as my face and mourning over the swimsuits i ordered on the internet that are too small for me. (but don’t worry - i ordered bigger sizes already). i mean i HAVE been really busy, and i had two bouts of the flu that made it impossible to do anything but i need to get my ass into gear. sigh. tomorrow is a new day.

at this point in the entry i would usually dedicate three or paragraphs about cole but he just makes me very tired. we hang out a lot, i think i like him, and i don’t think anything will ever happen between us. i’ve actually been trying to write this entry for over a week now because i don’t really know what to write about the subject. it finally dawned on me today that i don’t have to write anything and i suddenly feel way better.

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