Work stuff in Stuff

  • Feb. 6, 2016, 9:32 a.m.
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I worked so bloody hard today. Have to be proud of myself because of how much I got done, considering I swear the warehouse is playing games with us. The amount of stock that was either unknown or mispicked was crazy today. Just as well I do my job properly, otherwise it wouldn’t have been picked up on. Many adustments and finding space or stupid items later, my shift was over. We got in one box of chips that was already deleted upon arrival, which was a box of coriander chips/crisps. How disgusting is that?? Just as well it’s deleted. Maybe someone with destroyed taste-buds will buy it.
An entire PALLET of chips was basically given to us. I have a feeling it was either meant for another store, or the warehouse staff were just not giving a shit that day. I managed to find space for about 6 different lines of chips, then there was a fuckload of kitty litter we weren’t suppose to have. Our biggest size is 15 litres, but they’d sent us 24 litre bags. Luckily I showed my workmate who has a cat and that is her favourite brand, so she reckons she’ll buy them all. Sweet.

I had an Asian customer yesterday confused as to why I didn’t speak Chinese. LOL. I stood there blinking at her for a while, as I had no idea what the fuck she’d just said.
So after a while of us both getting out our phones (translate apps) and me finding out what the fuck she was after, she went on her way. I had to wonder to myself as I walked off, “How the hell do you get through customs and be a tourist in Australia if you don’t speak a word of English?”
Of course, she was after Baby formula powder, like all Asians are. I swear to God the moment I fill it, they come in the store in groups and buy it all out. We actually have a 4 tin limit per customer, so they’ve figured out if they come in a group of three, they can walk out with 12. We can’t not have baby formula on the shelf just because you bastards want to make a huge profit on it by sending it to China!

We have a temporary grocery manager at the moment, who seems pretty cool. He’s a big man, taller and wider than me, so luckily he ducks off to breaks a fair bit as I assume a big man needs a lot of food to keep him going lol. I think he likes me. Dunno. I’m just that busy getting stuck into what I need to do that I don’t really give them a chance to query what I’m doing.
I only had a drinks cage left to do today, which he kindly finished off for me. I was still rushing around putting up the tickets from all the crap I had to find space for today. even after I’d signed off today, purely because I know no-one else could be fucked doing it so it’s easier to do it myself. Only took another 10 minutes or so. I had my bag with me so I just threw the clip bag and walked out once they were all up.

I just want to know if my leave’s approved already :) It’s only 4 days. I should have applied for personal leave rather than annual leave, as I noticed that is an option on the new electronic system and I have a lot more owing in sick days than I do annual (because I never take sick days). Oh well. Maybe next time.

cazoob February 06, 2016

My Dad has a Chinese business partner for one of his businesses and they were looking at potentially exporting baby formula at one point. It's huge business!

And coriander chips? Seriously?! Ick.

AlexYourAlterEgo February 12, 2016

EW. Coriander chips. Revolt.

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