Almost tired of being tired. in Clutter cleaning scrub it to fuck and back fun time.

  • Feb. 2, 2016, 7:31 p.m.
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This morning I crawled out of bed around 11:30am, mainly cause the cat was snuggling on my head and purring loudly.
After some cuddles, I got up and gave her breakfast, which she stuck her nose in.

The first thing I noticed was the sun was shining brightly, and I heard myself grunt, “Oh fuck.”

Not because I don’t love the sun, but the opposite.

I already realized that my ass wasn’t going to do anything useful today, and that I would feel guilty for not taking advantage of a nice day like this.

I went to heat up water for my morning coffee in the microwave and a nasty smell hit my nose.

Ok, truth be told I’ve been smelling it for a few days, but it wasn’t getting any better on its own.

I sat on the sofa most of the day thinking about all the things I should be doing. So yeah, usual day.

However, around 5pm, (and don’t ask me how this happened) I felt the need to grab the old bottle of gunk remover and I sprayed the shit out of the inside of the microwave with it.

I let it sit for a few minutes, turned the contraption towards me and went in with some paper towels to wipe it clean.

Holy shit. No wonder it was starting to stink. I mean the sides were bad enough that it took like three fist fulls of paper towels to get most of the stuck on shit off, but then I glanced at the inside top of it and it even grossed me out.

I realized that one good spraying of the gunk remover wouldn’t be enough, even though it’s pretty powerful.
It took me about four drenching sprays to get most of that shit off, and then two good soakings of vinegar spray.

I’m not saying it’s all that clean now, but at this point it only looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in a few days, instead of looking like it was used by ancient Egyptians to blow up animals in, and then let it sit for a few thousand years.
Yeah, it was pretty bad.

THEN, I decided to clean a slice of my bathroom with the gunk remover and vinegar as I planned to do the whole apartment when ever the hell time I started this folder.

Kind of had the same results as the microwave. However, it’s amazing how much cleaner one slice of my bathroom wall looks. Of course, I will have to do the whole thing all over again. After getting most of the gunk off that first time it kind of discouraged me from all that there is to do, so I ran out of there with the excuse of “Ok, let that wall dry and see what it looks like in a bit.”

That was an hour ago, and I really don’t feel like going back there. Kind of like stepping into a hornets nest and then thinking about going back to the spot to see if they settled down.

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