Grindr unblock glitch in Stuff

  • Feb. 2, 2016, 5 a.m.
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  • Public

Ahhhh, the truth comes out.

I thought my housemate must’ve got a new phone or unblocked me on Grindr, but I’ve since found out it’s Grindr’s fault! They accidentally ‘unblocked’ all the ‘blocks’ that people had put on their accounts LOL.
I mean, I already knew that Nick had blocked me. He’s my housemate, it makes sense. And I was confused as to why he was suddenly on my list again yesterday. Today, again he’s disappeared, so Grindr has obviously fixed the problem. Pretty funny though that they gave away to pretty much everyone WHO had blocked them over the years. I wonder how many times my pic came up on others phones? Haha. Maybe I should call him out on it when I see him next :P

kmh. February 04, 2016

Hahaha that's hilarious! Yeahhh... I think I'd be blocking my housemate too, because - awkward!

AlexYourAlterEgo February 04, 2016

Haha, how awkward!

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