Australia Day eve in Stuff
- Jan. 25, 2016, 6:11 a.m.
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It’s that bloody hot here today that I really wish it was acceptable to just march on down to the shops in nothing but my underwear. FUCK. My phone says it’s only 29 degrees, but fuck that. No way lol.
The last few work-weeks have just flown-by, pretty much since I returned from Europe. I’ve just been knuckling down and getting on with it, and by doing so, the shifts just fly. It’s been good. I’ve been (mostly) good.
Tomorrow is Australia Day. I think I’m gonna head down to the Goldy to catch up with Brent, since I told him two weeks ago I was gonna see him, and I haven’t. I just need to think more about our friendship side of things than the one thing I don’t like about visiting him.
I haven’t been sexual at ALL (with other guys) since returning from Europe. I think it was so full-on over there that I fulfilled my quota lol. I’ve logged onto the ‘dating’ apps here and there but only to look at who’s around. I haven’t really had any interest in going to see anyone or have anyone over. I’ve kind of been in a ‘There’s more to life than just sex’ mood, which I go through every now and then. I don’t think I want the big ‘C’ word either.
It’s just good being. Yeah. Being.
Fuck, I think this heat is getting to me. Seeing the snow blizzard over in the USA is a welcome relief from a typical Aussie summer here. At least it’s cold somewhere!
I went to the pool last Friday, and it was absolutely divine. The moment I hit the water, it wasn’t even a shock to the system. Just instant refreshment. I still have 4 entries remaining on my card, woohoo.
Gym’s been going rather well lately too. I’ve only been going three times a week, but it’s just working with my work hours etc. Like I go after work on Friday afternoons (2pmish, so it’s not too busy) and after work on Sundays, when it’s busier but not too bad. I also try to go on a Tuesday lately also, on one of my days off. I’ve been feeling good because of it, doing less reps on heavier weights. Whenever I use that system, my body just reacts to it better, so I’ll stick with it. Even I’m impressed that I’m doing 100kg chest presses. I’ve never been able to do that before. I still don’t look how I want to though LOL. Will that ever happen? I still love my legs as much as I did at age 25 though. My elongated upper-body makes making the rest of me look half decent :P
I think I’ve already mentioned this, but I’ve been counting down my favourite songs from the moment I began listening to music in 1996, over on the music forum I’m on. It’s been really cool going down the countdown list and listening to each song as I list it on the sight. Man, no wonder I’m gay LOL. My list is so pop eccentric it’s crazy. Anyway, the post is here if anyone’s interested and so I have a record of it too. As the years go on, obviously this list will change slightly. I would post it here also but figure most people probably don’t give a shit about music, or at least the same music I do.
It’s taking me ages though! But I’m almost up to my Favourite 300 :D
I’ll probably do the usual listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 tomorrow. I sent in my votes a few months ago. I usually only like about 5 songs or so on the entire countdown, but hey, gotta give the alternative music lovers something to enjoy :D
I hope there aren’t too many wankers around tomorrow. It’s really sad all these coward punches and bullshit violence that’s been going on here lately :( It’s sad that our state premier feels the need to introduce the consequences of coward punches in the school curriculum, all because of these few fuckers. it still hits home to me that I could have been dead from one a few years ago.
Some bloke created this as satire, but it’s since gone viral.
Last updated January 25, 2016
aussie_powers ⋅ January 24, 2016
Did you see those two blokes who foiled their robbery. True blue dinkum blokes. avery Funny. have a good day tomorrow.
KissOfLife! aussie_powers ⋅ January 25, 2016
Sure did. I don't think I've seen a more Aussie interview in my life lol.
whowhatwhere ⋅ January 25, 2016
I'm so cold right now that I am dreaming of your hot summer days!
kmh. ⋅ January 27, 2016
29 degrees plus humidity of 20405847% in QLD!
KissOfLife! kmh. ⋅ January 28, 2016
Haha it was a killer today! I was like a drenched rat :P
AlexYourAlterEgo ⋅ January 28, 2016
Welp, it's certainly cold over here. But I prefer cold to heat, so I don't mind.