To be str8 or not to be str8 in Stuff

  • Jan. 15, 2016, 10:30 p.m.
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One of the worst/best parts about being a gay guy, for me personally, is when hot straight guys I know tell me about their sex life.
Of course, I’m standing there listening to this and conversing but pretty much every time, my mind turns into the world’s biggest whore and I imagine myself as the chick he is talking about, whoever it is, and I’m thinking to myself, “You lucky bitch” - ‘bitch’ being an endearing term of course :P

Such a thing occurred today, although different. One of my workmates comes up to me and asks, “Hey Matt, are you into older men?”
I had to laugh and I replied, “No, not really, why?”
He went on to explain about this elderly grey-haired customer who was currently in the store who apparently had asked him, “Do you have a boyfriend?” It took Jackson (who had a long term girlfriend) by surprise but he replies, “Boyfriend? I’m not gay. What made you think I was gay?” (which is a pretty cool response in itself, as a lot of other straight guys would just go immediately on the defensive, I figure). jackson then tells me that the guy goes, “You seem like a nice young guy. It’s a shame you’re not. I was gonna ask to suck your cock if you were.”
I had to laugh. For two reasons. One, that this old guy was just so bold to ask him that outright at the registers of a supermarket, and two, I’ve fantasized about blowing Jackson myself on more than one occasion and this old bloke’s gone and taken the chance at getting it to happen. LOL.
And then, of course, I couldn’t just then chime in with, “Oh well you know what? I’ve always wanted to blow you too” although I really should have said that there and then, as it was probably the opportunity to haha. I think the poor new junior checkout girl on her break in the lunchroom as this story was conversing was feeling a little awkward LOL.

So yeah, now I’ve had my old nightfill manager telling me “They don’t call me ‘Free Willie’ for nothing” ^insert eggplant emoji here^, one of my old nightfill workmates, John, tell me about his girlfriend would wake him up with a head-job every morning and he didn’t have to wank anymore (“My GOD STOP TALKING RIGHT NOW” - I believe were the words my brain was screaming at me that time) and now Jackson telling me about this old guy wanting him to be gay. How interesting. I just thought it was worth mentioning.
I told Jackson I was more into guys around my own age, and I headed upstairs to do some more work but I didn’t see the guy he was talking about.

Deleted user January 16, 2016

:) Still as awesome as ever Matt.

kmh. January 16, 2016

Haha wow, what a bold customer!

KissOfLife! kmh. ⋅ January 16, 2016

I know right! I said to Jackson, "I can't believe he was just straight out with it."

~Octopussy~ January 16, 2016

I would've made him act it out with me....

KissOfLife! ~Octopussy~ ⋅ January 16, 2016

Haha, I have no doubt :P

AlexYourAlterEgo January 19, 2016

Haha, what a cheeky old(er) dude! YOLO!

aussie_powers January 23, 2016

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