Things Involving Me in Chunky giblets

  • Jan. 9, 2016, 7:56 p.m.
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I live in a tent with my dog. Been homeless for sixteen years. When I tell people I’m homeless they say all kinds of stupid, ignorant and rude shit. I’ve been attacked for it, spat on, and generally treated like scum simply because I don’t have a house to live in. People ask me stupid questions (“how do you wash?”) and make snap judgments about me, usually when they haven’t even met me. I’ve been assaulted because of it and told by police “what do you expect? Serves you right for being poor”.

Being homeless is the last acceptable prejudice. You can’t hate on gay people or non-white people, but it’s okay to kick a “tramp” (a term I find insulting) to death.

People assume without checking that I must “choose” to be homeless. The fact is after banging my head against the wall of the system for nearly seventeen years and being told repeatedly there’s nothing they can do, I’ve resigned myself to this life I have to live and have decided to make it as comfortable as I can within the confines of my means. And if people have a problem with that, its their fucking problem, not mine.

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